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NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS i~ J.f I ,;;J.331f!l'f-,)7oJ3o Rd. Soh. ~ PUD FPD _ <;2 nunl Melvin D. Rickabaugh et ,Ix . I? 2.JD Ail 2 L C $'3 17'7',[0.9 ;;::../ //) ..<>.'" tJ.-+ ~ ) 1..11'0' liL.:Ld'...LL /&,cJtJ.oc) /7 / IJ ~ .-- '...,P :!! -5"-5 1S-""16 "s",;/Z ~~ ,,7.u--.<.- IJ/j'" --- ,)...:1' ----- I",,> 1,,?{,.3o . G,,,-,,,utJ. '/JI::U>A'-'-".A~/ d,"I" FI ( 103113 2..bLit.; (. r>-t) e>-O 55' ",31 ri.a/l.l..JJr~ g 7t-n/:r;;: / /, J /1r7r7 --, r--- 7Jt&.b,/E ~/?<.'tjrt.5"0~1 ;;1/..> (J';/IH d ,rM(C ";k-:f"od-C:?<..;7.:c I%~ rl; ~#'" ( f) J-..f /I _ /., v.-::._ I%fj /lZtJ'f11 /I'Ji71) (f / .afl ~~ 1.....+:1i Y.., File No. SALE PRICE b) 1'1' ?.5o?5' 1$E>3aM & --f---- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS _"'0 ~-_ 'I~ Improvements B. of E. I (Building.) VALUE ----e----- --- Year Oyster :)?" J5 5/ 1(0/ 1Gb 161 /,9 70 .7J J'.:l 13 - 78 '7'1 14f. COT BlK. SEC. TWN. Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyller Timber Unimproved Improved .;2. C) ...z 0 .. P-Q ,'),0 12'; 10 -e-- /30 /9'0 c?/O ,;$..2 (J .. 3/c:J ~.. L/65' S~S_ /0-1') .s1f6 bRa _ /"0 /,;}~ ~:lS /~ /c;)S' .;1~ /' d5 /' t:7 t:J ,,;J .:j' <" __ ~6c) ~"O f5'o 2000 ~"o ~"O ~ ~a t/(j /h." ~76S o;fJ~d ~~S ~ -~ -&-' -&- ,/()CJCJ '14..5'0 g'L!:!io -!'- ~ -a- 50 fo /J .../1 () .;<0 .,;2,0 ,~D ~k-.?;; 1G1iI?o A'" % ~ ROE. ~';J.~ Q/~~bd9() ~ . <>a., lIiiIIllIii ~,=~~ ..... '.~..~-l' ~ . .~, '.;;."~... ..... ""c"j:,- ,.,.,~. The N'-1 of that part of the E 50' of the W 650' of IDt 3 of 1-22-2Wt-v.N., lying N of 40' wide Co. Rd. #234-A and S of oounty road known as County Shop Rd; AND: the Wly 40' of Tr 6 of =eoorded plat of Covt Lt 3 1-22-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the rreander corner to Sections 1 & 2; th N 984'; th E 200'; th S 88044'E 307.9'; th S 89013'E 142.1' to the NW oomer of sd Tr 6; continuing S 89013'E 40'; th S 227.75'; th W 40'; th N 229.2' to sd NW corner of sd Tr 6. ~.... " ". ~~ ~"'-'" -. ---=-_..--.....---~~._--_._-- -,--, ...~.~-----"--~~..~---- -- -......-...- . .-- . - _._r . n_ ~. VN' I 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL O,st.r TImber Unimproved Impro"ed Impro...m.nls B. of E. (Bulldln.;'> VALUE 7~ - .:/ .1') ..-?/'l .t/ "tJeJ 44'9 d" 4.5d , , /?'.I' . .. '1 .' . ' fA, .,.<- <;'" ,., .. ) 1/ ... -'".. ) - '1 ?.50 -::j 'i'~' 5' '? '- 75 /,., r", r . -) ;, - J, Ie,' H{ , tic. 50 37~_'L ::; //<7_ ,- . ~ J(' .f?/ .f Co ;1:"d , " 'I 7'vt/ t- ) /7 ,-; .f'c;.z-'; '-I ' 'I &, I L/~ -C -} (;:- -,- . ,-,f,. , U'!... /!:"~--,. . 1<7"/.': - ~(1 ~ -