HomeMy WebLinkAbout222012300060 FIl. No. NA.ME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 71ft SALE PRICE V.ar Rd. Be,. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - ~4'" <:;;: 99817 Axel Olsen 2 lh5. A ..l 2 L C. ,(~ ~/)o9""s W6.---vu -'L1 ./ -A c.L~~ / .7"- L 1 4- .1,103 .& ..2.. L ..l. 6 ?' #~/~/'7 /dOO <f'",,g~ (/ / ~J4:'-&; ): , ~ -;.'-?~ L/ ' ".-d.L. F----- %d- 1/000 3~ jJ "-<..""'IY>>"Q c!.. ::J,;.tJA;9-" .(/Jb;;-- 3c7crn !II I I(d,] .it. .3.. .2:. L ..c:. Ji. (00 ~ /' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----e:- .- ,.... ..d' , .~. ------------------------------------------------- .., --- . L NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb 8. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ->)/ . ...?:2- ,-3..2. 2A> I YO ;Ltfa - 2"3- ,3';{ ,3c./ .20 ,;i.5?d :!IO - .~7 ,S;J 3,;:z, ~ 50 250 ~- -. (;,/ .3;( .3.;t %0 3~o 1.:20 n - t,.cz - /tJ-Q ~,;2s ~ , - 61 ..2o-d {/~$'" ~.?-C - ,/;'9 ..,;:200 ./C::-.::Lfi /P';;CJ 7LJ .6 ~ "Yoo 3"5'0 31/seJ 7/ ;:2.t) 0 dJ 3C1bd S3.6h - 22 ;l. fM)O ~<,;>o ..5'5'cPo - 7'1 et~ ..~ '1()Oo 7/~c!) II / ~a> - 7 - ~ ) .'I{r I( 7~ . .. ..)') . ')'1.: . " . . - ~? " SOUo (~ ().:'~."') /. '. c.::;, I r'().. ,3-"" .3"'" //S'OO 3~(.3(J 7'';;'/.- 'J LOT BLK. ! I . SEC. TWH. RGE. [;z:~~ 0 j;[3~l);C)fCtQ] " . :22. 2 .'. Tract .9.. Of r.^".., L~ .3 ~ --..--' .-, -" -.~ known as T;~ of Govt Lot 3 ex ~ Tract 8 of the unrecorded plat of Gov. Lot 3 Sec 1-22-2 west W. M. described as follows: beginning at the meander corner to Sections 1 and 2-22-2 marked by a concrete monument: thence nortt ?84 feet; thence east 200 feet; thence south 88044' east 307.9 feet thence south 89.13 east 249.6 feet to t0e northwest corner of said Tract 8 to be described continue south 89.13 east 47.3 feet thence north 89~43' east 60.2feet to the northeast corner of said tract 8; thence so.th 227.4 feet; thence ,Jest 107.S feet thence north 227.7 feet more or less to the northwest corner of said Tract 8. Except the W 25' and S 50'. .~~..'~a,,~___ ~~- -~..,........-_. --- L,..... - .-- , ...., * DIsmlCT9 :r'l V,.r FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO '7 SALE PRICE: Rd. .... portlPUD FPO I - .2L 130583 Frank O. Lockwood et ux 2 /,0' A 1 2 -1 ....Q.. ---- ---... ..ft /~7""4/h ,j 'A d' ,,~,IJI .L tftJ3 1+3 ,;z L Cfi ~ Ll;.OJ7y (iC)d. ...i.L '1_ , 'L.~ ~~ ;":':'~~~jL L, L- (L . ,,,:0 7;..,4- ,,rj, ..::M::....-~..:r/~o '57i/f/-7 - - LJ' '5:5 '7Af/ 17 . L,-.:,... 1 ,- """"-<0 <?. t7 / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- >-- - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - f-- -----...;...--- - -------~-~-~-- . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y.... Oy.tsr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.blr Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE R .10 .10 10 10 .5L .10 .10 50 ')0 .28 .24 .24 100 100 ..hi. ,;('/ . at.} .5"0 So J4 I ~ (;,0 100 i!L I' YtJ -#9 CJ 7tJ ,~ ~ ;9'd :=? ,f {) 3?CJ 2L 7.5ttJ 7.50 :Ii- i, 1'0% ,/S?JcJ' /Sb b -;; 5' .s " /. 79 . ,.A i, - (. ,- I, _ ~_ '" ---',., //:' J~" // -- , . , LOT BLK. '.' " .-. . -1 ~ L ---.--. \ lEe. TWH. RGE. .., 1._..1 L '.,' __l.._.-. .. ., ~ ?? .., .... .., ~.. "to r ~ . - .' ' . ., 25' and S 50' of description on Tract 6 of Govt Lot 3. .....:;:, '