HomeMy WebLinkAbout222012300040 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,~/ff SALE PRICE! V.., File No. NAME of OWNER Rd. Soh. Port PUD ,PO C;? n68g2 Ero E. Juho1a et ux 2 JJ:2 A .2.. 2 L C '11 /50 51~ ~ 4- /IM#~ John Ii. c:/. ~ ~ 2.. 14772 /7~ L~Fazj a et u .2 .d.. L ,pi ~ e;~1' ';/'.L<- /51 ill .. .. c"t><t1<:J.<t1 0 - - ,6/ 1f':7K57 (j/~hl'/ A_ :Xc, -h~~ J (J .. " ,~ .M-I,f'I/Itt?....I. . 77~ 7 J!../'~d' ,77': " g/ .L Ifll A 3... .sZ... ~ c... If ,{", I' J , 41'. /P ..Ii- ...../~7 / ?L?o.r). ,::;~ 1<76~J'Y ?"l'-Y'/ ~ w/"A~fl - - - .r ., - - - - ;/'- /71 M/,r.-?,1 '2J;//L...-r-, -R ./~~'p...;J " /I /(; V7'o - - - - - - % '" l' ~-?;{,,4 . / Wood Mi I n"r r", ?::/'"3c>oA;7?7p 70 (,1 ,Po\.) \ ... . . _ ~ - - - - , . b4 114/93 ~ l.J;,[.,;" ,J" "b'"II"'_! ,#;1 I t'l I! - - - - - ~OO"'::- 5:<'0.5',;; I!Ur1i146 ".A.' . . ,/!m,#nA. I, - - - - ~t Wll? ...John. R. lillIler .- tJ/ftXL -if7S<::J3!;;>- - - - - - 1SiC,!? r-.- --.----.-- - .,~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvement. B.orE. (BuIldings) VALUE Sl--I-- ~ . -5 C. . ....s- C; 3-i) :z .,j-tJ 2~ fL_ - ,5c;:, ,t.5-0 3" .-2:2 0 4.5'"0 5'} .5Z , !;"t, .-e- _<70 .5/;<0. ,-2'Za.. - 0/ Sh ..5"h /00 5S"0_ ~..Q.. - ,~ ~ ~ /.;JS" ~G $/t)- 1.1 .2 S-b p5' ~ 10 .' 0% S""tl 0 j!I..ffcf) j'Yd'O 7/ ~.:l.:50 ftJ90 3:7.3t2 7';< ~ .." -=:;, ~J?;l:t; $075 "2'3 /:l:J.so b.~ 'fl'loo 71./ )gO % ~5()o- /~:fi70 /'7,,/()O 77 ~,I" 1 :f.', . , I!'..r ^, - r:. ".,' 79 ,. :~ ',., , ' r j".' (, 1 ;'., " ?1 , 5.:)0,-] )I " 75' /f-t'15 ~~ .s-(" ,sf,. 1/5tJ& '''/'/0 c Y?'/I"i LOT BLK. / ~-,-_..- -- --~y-- SEC. TWN. RGE. [A~;';~7 " d , ..~_._.~~ -..- 22 . -~ . 'I''''",....l.."f_.''. I_~ca_ ' _,,,;..,;.~..,..i _,_ "- '''5;' .. ,. .. ." -.~ known as Tr 12 of ~ovt Lot 3 .~ A tract of lane:. in Gov. Lot 3 Sec 1-22-2 "lest vi. j',. described as fel101,s: True Joint of b' ginning is ncrthwest corner of tl,e saiG tract which is north 984 feet tr.ence ' east 200 feet tLenc south 88.44' east 307.9 feet kence soutL 89013' r 296.9 feet tl.ence north 89043' east 167.7 feet fror.! the r:leander corner to fractional sections 1 and 2 of tLe afore said Township and Kange; tnencc north 89.44' ea~t 69.6 feet; thence east 37.9 feet tl~nce south 228.3 feet thence west 107.5 f~et; thence north 227.95 feet to the said true l1>f beginning. .--~-~--- . ~- . r=:.",; B:dt-'6;/S&.Z...... -a-<--