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Year 7'" FII. NO:y,; NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /8'0 SALE PRICE' '..2 (.ri:7:) Rd. Soh, Port PUD ~~ df:) / '12 Alvin Anderson .r' , ,. . 1 .2ili: l SFP -;( ~ C'...... JNlRlI'I' !1 ~ 3...... f{ -- 1'.iJ' -T~~.3: '" '1b'i.s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . , - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - --------------------------------- ;-.~--- --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS /1 - Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved "roC ~ OYlter Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE J(J.- / ..3 r:cJ 0 3?tJ. ~5() ::z. S'~ t:~ X.J."'UJ f.t,.OO !f" A1)f2... ....3..;'0 /('70 ...L~ - ,a, '7/? 7'c1CJ /.{/&/.) d~ - .J1 35o/J .5. 00 -::u: .1M /3/tJ .;1~f"LJ 2'~ - -?1. S>}7; ;;;) "30 #tf'CJ '/ 5/.0 _~.iM 6.t'J1') ~,A? :r 7/~ 3"..;?,.9'a ;f)J},6 ./~/S ~ 33-s:f;:l, ~~if' Ua;? 375 754"a /"~-'"'" /9..:19" / :To % /50"'0 ~7~ ::J> /<6:.:fO 115 CLASS. J:<'UK~:>'l' g 9.. dt) 13? 00 /~o /9'?O Rr.ilfB4.33 --c;- 7G . ~ "41 /c;,3J /0 ~'(. '. -- 177 ,. ..L2..7....6..... 17 7.':;- 70' ,!).C;-, - .,-- - 1~ 3'ii", - c' 19'/f! . .',~. ) .:=- ~tJ -1 ;<070 ~ {J J cJ '/ ~ . , {;j ::';,"--(1,\ 2;J-05' .:2 ;<.~- -' LOT BlK. .,..-'" I SEC. TWN. RGE. IJ ~/'If~Q ()lO O~ ~'" .Ck~' CLASS. FOREST " '7;1.1'; . '- Z ...... ~W 8i.al~ _. . , , . . . - . , . Tract 6 of Govt Lot 1 of Section 31, Township 21, Range 1 is assessed With this property. Quit Clamm Deed #301422 was a deed to quiet title. EXCEPT that portion given to Stanley S. Yates et ux under QCE AF#301426. ~;f/I!i---- " . ~ .-._--- --...- . I I I I I ! I - -- . . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS I, ., ' Year I Oyd., Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r L Oyder limber Unimproved Impr:;.ved Impro.,.mlnh I B. of E. (811ilditl91) VALue ~, ~.. .. ,-oRBS .~" '. ~.r: .10 , :,"(.90 I .PrPO ~ -- " , t3 3 1?6 :;- I ~" ;;',,- c) or -- (if =1/f. tJ CJ -1\;' - 3730 ==t 373(") - ,(_C ss 31,$( 3w~ --- >--- -- - -- --- --- 1 -- ----.. ----- -- -- d-- -- -.- ----- --- -- - - _.-- ----- f-- -' -- -".-- -- - - !- ~_. -- -_. , ----- -- ! , , : (,