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-;:,-r FIl. No -.r--.---'-- NAME of OWNER I 1) :;; yO "/76 1109J6.~poTlliJd I,. Hakala. ct a1 7/76 117071 '+/78 342616 8/78 1489;2 ____, . c5hcP !AlE. .i5l?3.~,'1l~,{JJj- lktdQA<-iI, ~ -- ---- . NUMBER OF ACRES Y.ar Timber Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL Oyster --, 7'1 jl ~ -- .' t' , - . ' ~_Ov SOC,) ><," 2'..2.._ -, ,--- -------, r' 1- LOT SEC. BLK. TW~. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /36 Rd. Set.. I!"rt puo I fPD I_I 30, ~ 5 L H I JaVi(l :;. Joro.2.1!::...- 2,_ oJ 1 ],wiJ G-.Gretch m ,. ore" 1 David E-Shirlcl, 1. FJ ecp 'l."J. '( _< 1.8~ 7'0)... 3.5' 1.-11- Ovst.r tS.", (, '/' '< VALUATIONS Timber UnImproved Impro....d / C; /'> 1 / 7o~o J"j"._~tJ.::;J 1 35 2 ~~70s' 'is'o''oT6u TllAC! 10 QF SI!R.VEY.;2/134 RGE. 21 -. Impro....m.nh (Buildlnqi) SALE PRICE }!.6589 ),.J530 "%955 "~)6~ .!.'"J ~69'jO t"~r w.. ti.-j.(t:.7 B. of E. VALUE (,..:..': .JU ,17000 1,;1..$'0 c- (' . /"i 7t(~,-j-<...) . . .-."'.'~ "..,'-i+a.j;,.".c.. (Lt 10 SUIV 3/114) The K3- of the 1M of the $W of tl,C SE of See J'5-21-2"'. H.l1. Excepting puhlic rds FORMERLY KNOWN AS: TRACT 3 OF 5W SE .,;... / 1 a.- ....',.