HomeMy WebLinkAbout221341101020 Year Rl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I i5.:l SALE PRICE Rd. 15th. 1l!!:L f!!Q. fPD 1_ I .''1I'" I. "'V1 ( 1.> / Is- I 72 273751 Ethel J. n' :jt!: .'3 I /.J .#35/99 fzL .;?,f..!.J/(J ~,JtL .0 FYI ~ 3 ,::;- I-- If -#'.J7117 I - .' ... Y", \ 0,.,., NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Tlmber Unlmprov.d Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved I Improved Irnl:ovem.nfl '.01 E. ( ulldlnQI) VALUE ~I --2d'7 ~,~'7 oKZ.1!!: .K~ <"" ~ /~'7 I. A'" -'1. ::::J'7 ~Q~ //J;"'O ~o?5 3~7o ~ f, 11-0 ~ nt? ;;13"" Lj/~' 73~ ?A ; ft..'7 ?.f'o ~oo ~ .$/9" f~X 2 27 ::2. ? 7 ~<0n ---: L; c .. e3 155m ISS-oC! LOT 'LX. ~;J-131] 76/ 0;:401 SEC. TWN. OSE- IL JiiJllE NE. " "',~L~ ..~ I --~~ -..------------- The East three hundred (300) feet of the West eleven hundred (1100) feet of the half (N t) of the North half (r ~) of the lTortheast quarter (NE t) of the Northeast quarter (1m t), Section tbirty-four (34), Tovmship twenty-one (21), North, Range two (2) West, W.M., exceoting therefrom road rights-of-way. -., - - - - ..~ - - -'-' - - - .e:---