HomeMy WebLinkAbout221337690110 -;:.:r-Fue No -r-----..-.-----NAME of OW~----I-.. /S.7- - CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICf ~T.!~!.:..'l"rtPLil?:!-fPO ; I -J5~te4- I : , "'6 ~ J , 72 2~J2.!.2... C I a ra Ma r i e Ca r I son _ I 02 3';_~, ., -, , 3:9973"- ':;--? 1bK(':;l(" ~o --'J~- 1~;i)04r ~~~tZ'L) 2/78 ~P?L _ -- Carl G. Johnso e ...9. -- 3 3192 ,+ "0,,638 ilLI L3.63.1A2.1 ___ .W.W_La.rrLB....Mo.r: A v aok_~~ $4750 4/8Q. ,3758f.'L' _ ___ _. __,_ John D. Bamfo r e u ( ~ ar'~Ellen f~~~BO ,e~,,-- //8'2 _i?cJ'9ff~;1dk~/ >>!~~oIt,~~ r, r, "$$'0"'-'17 /1~~ lOLJ -- f _~2 d.i/c?-'!'.;(FJ)~M2!./..,y,~ j.p /~.vi.?tl-" ) W.t:) {/ ,- ~- .--- --- I 1- -- , - 1 J - - -- 1 I . u. -- .. --. -L- NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr:)ved Improvements/ l.otE. (Build,ngs) VALUE Ji. ~--- ~. 3.90 '3. tic II"'L/o /odo iJ!. -3. ? {J 3 '70 '1/ L/ tJ tJ C> ,/00 CJ il :'-00 r' t _<)0(; () .- ----- - -- ---- ~--,- - - I -- ---- - ---'-- n__ ----- -.---- ------ -- - -- 1___- -- -.-- ---.- --- ---- --- ---- - _=1 - -. --- 1-------- -, - - - r--. -- I -- -,~--- ---- , I i ! LOT BlK. ' r221'33"rte9-..9.Aill] SEC. TWN. RGE. ',~ 2,1 ? Trg"t II of Survey ex* .. : __ .J.. , , ..... .-.... .'"...:,.". ,.. ~ '. , (Tract C of Short Plat #561) A tr of alnd in the NW SW 33-21-2W.W.M., daf: Commencing at the W 1/4 corner of sd Section 33 which is 2 1/2 inch iron pipe; th SOlo II' 33" W alg the W 'I ine of NW SW of sd Section 33, 75' tap on the c/I of certain ease recorded under AF# 352766; th SOlo II' 33" W alg sd W line 375.19' to POB; th N 320 05' 39" E 194.33'; th S 570 54' 21" E 247.66' tap on the c/I of Phi II ips Lake Road; th SW I Y a 1 g sd c/ I tap wh i ch bea rs SOlo I I' 33" E a I g W line of sd NW SW 868.70' +- to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. EXCEPTING that portion lying E of the W I ine of the Phi I lips Lake Road. c=- . EX: //-4/ II-I;? -H 3:?.F7J~ 5.,11-, et al: Ga~-&--S~c C. de1'lI'lSef\- E dw..r-El-l.j.,-&-MargM'€l~:t-GGl(.. '" .,-0 Himlie Properties, Inc. 7'01(,<1''' .:' t' f,-+< {r . , ,r:'-: , ,~I , '- -" ' " i' . ~.(".., ~. '.-, - " ,<~ 'l'