HomeMy WebLinkAbout221337690100 y':; 1 -File No .. --- -- I I NAME 0' OWNER';, /, . I CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.IP"rt PUO, fPO I I - .J5 : --B. _259.218., Clara M?Irie C?Irl son I 40 L H ~~1,1i. 5-""'. 0 N. "#-7~"'77 -:p; 2D8 ill -- Carl G. Johnso e al I r--- #56538 12n~ 355644 Arnold A. Fox t x (Lvd ia .) ~~5Eb ~?'i- '/::u/ f:>71Y- ~ ,#,Jjp.-Je. JL, " ., - rZI W<:J :Jfi .ifi.J':S,Rs slf' I'.....~~ " u ~' ~!16S'7& .C9-....io..~~ .s.P-- --- -------...- - I . . ~ --~ ~"" N UMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timber I Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improv.m'ntl B. of E. - (Buildln9i) VALUE ?f -"5:.? g 5xx 33tJS :3 3CJb .5: f %' .?fk tfR 9'1tJCJ 97'0d II /99'10 1'1993 -- ~--_.. --- - -- ---- -- ~-- - 1- -.- ----- - - --- ------- ---- -- - - : LOT BLK. r2~a.L3'~ 7(";"9" 6'/ () ; a SEC. TW!\!. RSo. .. - 2 W ILZ iQf Jr $ ,9&10 ~ l;.c . .1 .- .. ' '~ -- -,~~- ,,-~ ,,'. "';"'''~'.''''''''''''''''.or",..--~ Parce I 'I: The NW SW 33-21-2W.W.M., EXCEPT the E 600' as measured alg the N I ine thereof; EXCEPTING the N 921.64' as measured alg the Eline thereof; EXCEPT that ptn lying W of Phi I I ips Lake Rd. D~ _--'-"'''''. . J ; ~c;t:l L.. ...5..:. t 7/. 12 -"'/ /.- -; A-11-1h9t ptn of the NW SW & SW NW all in 33-21-2 W.W.M., daf: CommenCTng'~,,-w.. 1/4 corner of sd Section 33, which is-'t' 172 inch iron pipe; th SOlo II' 30" E aj'g ''f'ITe~.w..1 ine of the NW.SW of sd Section 33, 75' to the c/I of that certa in ease as recordecr-.ttR~r Art 352776; th a Ig.sd ell of ease through a non tangent cur-ve to the 1 ef.t.-trav i ng' ';:;"l"ii.QLus of 75', 77.36' a I g the arc of sd curve to TPOB; th conHntli~g alg sd ell of -s.ct-ease N 320 05'.51" E 596.97'; th a I g sd c/ I of .sd ease through a non tangent curve to' the right hav i ng a radius of 350!, 382.20' alg the arc of sd curve to an,interseG;tion with the c/I of Phi II ips Lake Rd; th SWly alg the c/I of sd roail tap which-,bears S 700 4 I' 37" E from TPOB; th N 700 41' 37" W 356.77' +- to POB. ' ~ ~ 6/11S , --.-- --- ~- . p , -#~6'fj'7.~f 5.~.""..,Q,< L." ;.< :Ji3Rf.:<IPJ' (!d'.-,. -() ~?I.V.~.-'.~ fI -~..,r -~uJ'(':l..", s6..h... .J-.,/ ( Yh'"'ta.W)