HomeMy WebLinkAbout221337590021 :_~ 1;:1.-/ ~.--. 7 ~r File No -r--'--'--- -I . 52 _...J.3.9.5l..LQ..1 Rnh"rt Stohr I 4() .L!_U~Q9.32..+_e-~ ^.., ,..... , 0>..' I.. , TJldPJ;:Jfo.l'I 'v";4 \\ t...oOn. ..itaJ 6/q~ .5' 7$ Ud y' ,,\,. - Y,t/ n.:z.. 4/,$4/."') ~~/_doL.Ll7./L-L~'" b-r IX Jf~ 6!2.t2~'?L __. ._ r /"1.0. /!. <:. -u ~;Lf;:7~:~k 7f~~~, ~-Io/;~{J~~;{~~ ~_. .. I~ (<'" Rd. 5ch. I P<:lrt DISTRICTS /?,,;; PUDlfPD.!_1 -I I, ~ I i.j SALE PRICE NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO "0 #53062 ~() I- k <}4-~ $'1 OOD 1/ r.;!,~~U .,::!/l ~ , ~.$'':>(.(L/' , :1 t'i'79~oR,c;e. J ) w-[) , UJP-> Yur . .._ .-., n- _ NUMBER OF ACRES Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL ..-..,. .. -... , -- , ---- - . I I VALUATIONS L Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvem'/Itl B. of E. (Bvildin9s) VALUE dS.3C ;;S.3tJ 911!?O g!J go -'lulu -'/6 ~ c) ;~/o /0 pc [0 /~/.o; /::'-/50 .J 'i'''-o1 .3 'i' !..'o 1 S"oo 7~OO Oyster 11 ~::;.2;i- 1-_ 7L ZZ t..2 %3 :;:;,{5 $05 Ar~ r~",., ~, ;; -.63 So'> .;(53 ..,,- ,'. ,; I-- ,,~ /_ /..:_f /1 I /./S- I,/S- li 1,/':> I'/~ 1- ------ I- : LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. .6E. I' , I~~d~. ~ '--<~~ C J- , .." ~ . .','''-.....,..~ " ~~', "'ll">--~~''t'l".''>'_'''',' ~""',- (Tr 2 of Survey Vol. 3, Pg 15 AF# 330480) Th ptn of the N 1/2 of NW of Sect. 33-21-2W, W.M., daf: COMM at the NW corner of said northwest quarter; th S 890 43' 03" E 828.75'; th S 000 32' 46" ~ 580.80' to the true pob of this descr tr; running th N 000 32' 46m E paral lei with the W I ine of sd Sect. 33, 288.17'; th N 890 43' 03" W 674.72'; th S 270 16' 14" E 5.65'; th S 3r 57' 46" W 257.83 feet, MIL, to Wly I ine of sd Sect. 33; th S 000 32' 46" W alono sd W I ine of sd Sect. 3~. 24.75', MIL, to Nly R/W I ine of Pickering Road; th S 520 04' 21" E ai'g sd Nly line o{ Pickering Rd . .~8.99' +- tap which is N 890 43' 03" W of TPOB; th S 890 43' 03" E 758.03' +- to TPOB. -'-7-':" 0'" -II" .,' --,'. - , " .. , 'I 1'11\ .;.. ~; ,; , ", ' Tract 1 of 8P # 897 That ptn of the Nl:! of the lWI% of 33-21-2 W.W.M., Mason County OAF: Beg at the NW co:rner of the NW\; 8 89043'03" E, 828.75'18 0032'46" W parallel with the W line of said 8ec. 33, 580.80' to the POB; N 0032'46" E, 288.17'1 N 89043'03" VI, 174.33'; 80032'46" W 288.17'; 8 89043'03" E, 174.33' to the TPOB. FORMERLY KNOWN AS: TRACT 6 A OF NW NW . '~','~~':''' _....... c..c.:;-- . .~ -~', . ...::~.~ ",,,-, ~-..'. I ~ :;)..:;~ /o::r~- " _ (/ oj /-^' Ct:. .;" ' ~ . T" ',1 /.". ,- ,1':,'. " 01'",/J .,$L,>'( OClr '6j #///".r,L/~ ~4.