HomeMy WebLinkAbout221334100010 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I!'';' SALE PRiCe;: Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPo ')2 165137 !r,eander Geist et ux 5$rn .J 1 ---3- - l - ..L... SIP tJ15 1?tf~O P '-!-O? :7/), - - - - / f&.. d.. 5 l- I! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l- . , . r----4IIl.---------------------------------------~---------------------------------------~---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oylter Timber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5";V /~ /e:'. It;a /t.a .!? I/~'::< t. /.<10 If-, ~; I /i'CJ c:21O 5/ I) 7/J/(' 1,)/ -? /J /, ~tJ /~,'" //.5 /?O --3 g~ ( l71 /I"I;)J~ /</,;1cJ /. J'c? /h,Ot:J //5' //0 /Ro ij'c;7 5' ~ I/. -7"c?",{". , .p 1-1..;10 /,.f,? /h ' &?J ~ l/cJ d295 4LcJ r I" -"-' /4/6 370 5/0 ~ ,/d 61 4e2tJ ~7i!J 79tJ tf II. 41p~ . /,j, " OJ .t.t}-O /&""0 _ns- /tJ.s-o /f;l5" ?a I~ o~ ~ f' '7., "57J JI,/ tid ~,.f'..s-d 17..? ~ /,p.:;-' d2;Z6"'O .;z~o 73 //0 ;?5't?a ~S2J "I.?~~. - ;0/ lu- vP- ", J . ,.,7. 50 ~,"'d ;r: ~o AMr% //..:25" f/'?~o 57$ ": .. - ., 'j" :v? ; /. ,- "r; ) 11'~:( , }t,~' , I ~,?,;;;::;-- .. . ~[ ,:' , .,-" ?I DIIr .<..so t, 06 $IS/} (;,11, /()? ,.- /lj'::;- , r - LOT BLK. ~;;t.l S,34-/l>i5.1Ql/.o CURRENT USE I SEC. TWN. RGE. ., ,.... ., . .. .' . -'-"_OPEN SPACE , . " . . :r - - 4 ,~ ,~.~- . ".,~. ~. ,," That portion of Govt Lot 1 in Sec 33, Twp 21 N, rl2 w~i which lies E of the Co. Rd. and N of the Creek and NWly of L'!',~~il~g~on which indents therein. E!:L-t/T~7!:- o? Tax l063-A 173 D P-448 All T.L. of 2nd c suitab~e for oysters, which lies N. and W of the thread of a creek called Jones Creek as it flows NE through a lagoon at~low tide & being in front of adj to abutting upon that por. of Lot 1, Sec. 33-21-2 which lies N. of Creek and NW of lagoo~ And also those adj. to any part of the S~ SE NE. ~ ..----,----- ---- --- - -- ..--'-------........,.~ -------~-.-".---~~...__.. - '-~'..... --. --~ ~-- ~~ -~~ I v.+-o."" 831-- f3 1-' I . NUMBER OF ACRES 1 Timber ! Unimproved I Improved 1--_ "'- . (; D f---- - TOTAL r ~+.~ .: -::- 1- -+---+----- __~___n Oyder -J~!rr ~/.--( ~t= 1---- -f--.--f---- _un -------- -----1----- -- ----------- L -- .'. 'Ii... l. ,. ~, Timber . I I I I I VALUATIONS Unimprovtcl \ Impr~ved --,",,- ~C>' 'J' '>' (; I ! I . lrnpro".m.llh (BuildinQ\) t,-J'eJ 8. of E. VALUE 3~s-ro() 970 I 1._- ____==1 ~~