HomeMy WebLinkAbout221332200000 Veer File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ...m.= IIO~ SALE PRICE .. ~~~~.~ --- <;2 139910 Robert Stohr atfD 1 ..l_3-_.k..~_ ?J 27771/ bESIGNATED Knh"c-i- 5+oL ~ ----~----- - -- i-" - -- --- . /_~2..L// ____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. t.~ .________c________________ .,.- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~ o{, Year Oyater Timber Unimproved Improved. TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprovementJ 8, of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5Y '-IcJ 1-/-0 /t' 0 //0 6;Z (;l.Od ;;ZOO Z;-C; t./INro tJv -c-v .:z 0 () -:I/O 'fIn 5'/ J~()d ~r::k:f #j)(/ qG)cJ 50 1'//.J /,./c;o .rf: 37.7/) /.J,J () ;?~~ ., ~:;,ciu 2--(.) 7/0 /01,J.0 .,; u K'l 1770 /,00 3 cf. 7( c:<..35' SO 7/CJ 99S 1..,,, ;;J1,10 I. ()iJ 3%(71) ,..;;~{} .;17;5 7/tJ /;2.;<, (j l,/ . 37. 70 ten; 3170 ';<B~ .;<,7S- ,;:pJ5' ~7~S- t.::J .,2:35 .a5'o :;J,.;l,/G' .:is' () cd 'bit 45'S" :s 5"0 ~.;U5 3&-" ~ ~ % 570 1'-ra> -_/- 3:77.5" . 41 :3/.''/1)) /.i:JO 3d! ?t1 -b- L::;'SS Stl" .- ~".:'''' .., ~ - , /LI'Z:: Soa ;d(,S- t/c9-~ ~ dO_<->" 5" ,r; b;;7~< 5'3:::uJ - .4 /0" I t> OtJ' -- Jl~Ut!J -- ::>. ''YcJ Ld1.5)ijt!J L'" =t"hA,ED (5100) SEC. RGE. Il. ~-! .A A. -~ ..;; ., .. "..,..... - '. . . . - "'-. - -~-.-.. . _W" ...". C re-L g ~tf 2/15 ;if!-.,r) J3d~) c- Correct legal per contract No. 332639: Thilt Ic S~id 5 t 5e , - -- *Ex. Tracts 1-2-/ - EX, TIe t/ /yNIVr/ r _--<--_7_";':_ :.i-1-1-/71 ",-.~ ~.:;y. /~j'7 5X / . :3 7 /'fC I I I I I I I I I I I . --. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 6.~o Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improwments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE Ix< Q,1"'; 1.1</ 1(; J .::- /0/..;;" 85 )LZ, ;:;./)/_ 8'.tJb li'1/ 'J \';/ r, (' _..~ 1'85" SeG G" ~9 ~.~9 C,,9,s- ~9.s- . I I I I I I I i I I e--- . ----- -- ~_.J:::=r_~_ _~:.._}.;.co__::,.,.;.s~~r.T"J ..- --- -- . . --..-. . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS k,. ,5'0 Older Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. orE. ~~ (Bulldlngl) VALUE .1 :,...~ /,&10 ~.7CJ ~f'/,;z5 r- ;).f~~ ,~O ~W ~"'Sl.- 2A / . ~ ~ .:2!'16 ;;;r~. 0:;; l- t- t-tJ ~ ~ ?5" /G90 470 / -t),o (7J ~8.6'"1.- LL $7.70 - 37,70 /"'~% - /..::J /J 5:' - /.52 os-I.- '.1A" ~~% ~ 4"(, /3J>" /s,/f'o 7(, /5-';;;0 /S".:(() 76 '&'~ . / //~/; (~ 4't:. s- fl'6S ~_:.? /~,,) .. , f:-t;.' n. "" 9.# 9,7t/ LL ~ ~v (1c("~/15 - . $~ $~5 - K "'-..J ' - Sd:(S 79 -I7':~- '7' 9.c- .ilL Q. 7t/ 7. 7t./ Sgs- 53..s.- 8/ 9,71 91~ 5(~ :.;- :5&~- 'A'Y - 7~5 r~c 8'3 10.;1.<:0- / tJ d.S" ~ tj 7'-1. 'i. ?'{ I /;3&1 ~ .' ...' V... FII. NO~ I ~ 3 / / 'l;.J '1 NAME 01 OWNERA ~ 169295 Essie Gibler cfe-x.~ - -""-'~ ~._____ 1. L 1 .lj--........... NUMBER OF ACRES Y.er Oyder Timber UnlmgrGvad Improved ~(( ~ ~ ~ *::E2-" L/ fiO-f'lW,. biJ ->J:I../ '7(,- J.;ef-<-tJ.11P!;/JPp//P A 1.' :1L :;:~'t'~~.J / tJ() ,30 .&9 ( . LOT lEe. BlK. TWN. RGE. i.. ..JjA :.' ":,~.. '" _ If. ~. TOTAL CONTRACT TO Oyster ~~d 3<tl> /i.1<l% ,J9 --' ~ -: ~:.. :. ~. (r /, ..., /~ r-------.-- ..,.~ DISTRICTS I.?.:c Rd. Sch. Port lPUD FPO 1 3 _ 3 __I- i- JfP 3.2.LiL I t{12-- .L 1.0;2 ~ " ----- ------ ------ .. - . -'~-r'"'''~ Timber d .. h .pc:) .- - ---I-- SALE PRICE .. --.. ,~-=..--.J, -.~ V ALUA TlONS Unimproved ~(j (,0 /-2~ ~S{) <It) /6~ 1.::(;;,) ht:.Jc-' ~~ .::2:--:, . ~r ']J J ,._' Improved .' Improvements (Buildings) B. of E. VALUE So "'" /.;1;:- d).$'e!J &'0 /60 !..f;.-c'(" soo r=. ~.... -'~.....- , - 0 --.''''IF''-''--~'''' 179D P-222 Beg. at the W# corner of Sec. 33; Thn. S. 0024' east, along the W. line of the w. line of NW NW , 501.70 ft. Thn. N.37001' east 258.0 ft. to the center line of a vac. rd. Thn. N. 28013' waet,along the center line of vac. rd. 336.30 ft..to the Nw corner of sec. 33 and the point of ~eg. i'f-z. ~ .2e 1 ,JL-<..4/ .3 d- 7' Q 3 - _W"'-"""--';"'-'" .. ~ ~~,t III -rr:2.. Q. L I 3:<. -. J.2.. Ito - V.er File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. port!PUD ,PO - ~:- 169297 Rohert L. ~peRC9r Et, I1X , --J- -J- -L. r. - -- K1~/~ .\(), -f),.,.,. . . J , , ,+02 I-- - - - ..oL>.A.. f", .,1'-,...., / J.L 'c/o,., /7 ~ d. AA.- ~ - ,t. -a Z-.- t.I- ~ I-- - - - - ----- .h.:- &~ .J;3 /l 5.-;7~c,;23;z,p1 - - - - 0";, / 76,} 3 2... L lL I-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ... ..~. ~ ~;, -., ..-...,.. ~ , ,'..... ~...' ."~~. . ".""':" ~~ -:~--- ~~- - - . A - - NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Ye.r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyste, Tlmb.r Unlmprovod Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~'/ .30 ~ ..=,0 ~ ,.;;>0 \.?O l"z:z ,;{S / ;{ 5" .1/-0 {Lo ~ - S?J 58 4- - ~ , LOT BLK. -C[. : : . : . , , , . lEe, TWN, RQE. , ,--..- . . ........... S_ ;Sol ~ , '. -,-',. , , . -- '., ,............,....." ,~ ,_-'.-<li"'.""'. '-r"'~.J!.'- '<:'"'-'<_.....,..,. - '7 -,.~'~"fif'.~'..~";'..:~- '\~ 179D P-224 Comm. at the NW corner of Sec. 33; Thn. S. 0024' east, along the W. line of NW NW . 1062.05 ft. to the point of Beg. of the Tr. hereby desc. :Thn. S. 0024'E. along said W. line, 258.10 ft. to the SW cornrr of NW NW hn. N. 32034' E. along the westerly line of a Rd. 178.80 ft. hn. N. 420 '20'W., 145.83 ft. to the point of Beg. Ex. NE 102' ~,).~~' Year I 1 DISTRICTS // - File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO , SALE PRICE ... Sell. I Port PUD fPD I I 5 I I 74 - Robert Stohr 1 40~ 3 L 'H - -- I- ---,- - -- I- ----- - --- --'- -- -- I I I I I I "-I I , i i i I --a.. -- ~ . ..."",.,. , . (: *~ I NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS 'tear I Oyder I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements ! S. of E. TImber , ! , (Suitdin9~) j VALUE 7t.f ".( cuJ /tJO c::bOd i~oacJ 7S ;:) .;;; q lOG 3_~1../ k;:J,?;70 ~ood I~~ jfz. ;hq,." -- 1/9"5- '~"'/- "' /.- I 1 I I 1 : I i LOT SLK, ..~ __--.--'~----."""T-.-' 'y' .,.,-- SEC. TWN. ,Go. . OJ..i I I I I , i I I . , ,."". <)1 " 'I a:t' . E:S.S WI'I'H l. 14 G. -" " A teact of land located in the NW NW described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of NW NW; thence S 0024' E along W line of said NW NW, 1062.05' to I.P.; thence E, 150'; thence N 290'; thence W to the intersection of the W line of NW NW; thence S 0024' E along said W line to loP. '.- "I'. r"'fll' ~--,-- - -. - _""__4~ . _~!Ir' ,"