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Ye.r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS IF,,;?, SALE PRICE! Rd, Sc'. Port PUO FPO 1<>"- :#/71/ 71 1),208), i,/.'."" 1/' (1,.//.,,, - <;2 Harold A. Sapo et ux 1 3 3 L ~ 'f' "'79';;1.:;- r,;7 ffl/tJl ~ , )/~- ~ A ,r; / /. ~.. '/ 'r;, , f/ /7 - - - - 7/ - ,,- , ;) CJl5T3 /7 - - ~/ I~ _' ~ ~ r;; /J '/l /I 1/ I ~ ..2. 5 I- Lt. zy~ .- -r '\ (I Cl - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .':woM~ - , ' . - - ---.,.-. ---- ~ --------------~---------~--::--:-~--~--.::-,--:-:---.-------------------------;-- ""... ---- N"M'" 0' AC'~ ~ "'","ON' Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlter Timber UnImproved Improved I(&~~;d~~:~)b ~Ao~uEE S'~l- 0-:- .5 cJ 5:3 0 3--v-iJ .300 1''1 J. 'J 0 ..3 r 1 C! ;2 CPcJ dOO {"" -e-- ;J,7tJ 3,7" /-:265' /..2.b~ t.1 ~,IO d./O 7/.K" 7/6" 1.'1 97:;- 975" to.. 1-:20 /..;20 5,:).5 5~' 67-. 2.<::'% CC,O (;(,6 L.~ /656 l/o.5"~ 70 . -o~ ~/ 00 ,;:) /tJo "]::? I~p<"o 3';~ '7d /, ;/ % 1?oO '7 'Zoo 1'0 . 7/J,j 7700 ~ I. d' (; /. ;:.'- ,J 1.411 nr'1 Ii-( 000 ;) <1500 ;?<I.s-OQ LOT BlK. , - SEC. TWN. RGE. .:;,."j j d,/1q7To6fj6" Q .",'''.l> .' ' -'- -... .. '-'.,....;.: '. .' , ,. ......r6 w ..--" erly 3 Bgn at a pt on S line of Govt Lot 3, See 32, Twp 21, R2 W, 165 ft. E of SW corner of, said Lot 3; Thn E along S line of said Lot 3, 330 ft. to pt thereon; Thn N parallel with W line of said Lot 3, to Govt Meander line of Lake Spenc erj Thn SWly along said meander line to pt thereon N of pt of bgn of this description; Thn S to pl of bgn. *Ex. 6-A b-B,~.-e -' ~ >00____