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Year File No. NAME of OWNER
Rd, ~ Po,' PUD FPD _~
.-52. 10Q78) A. H. Jackson et ux 01 I,"'5Q 1 .3.._l_~_
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Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Irriproved Improvement. B. of E.
(Bulldln".) VALUE
.5')..01.- -:,-- ."l :5'o-V . 9 s-tJ
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Commencing at NE corner of Sec 32, Twp 21 N, H2 W, vll~;
Thn W along N line of said Sec 32, a dist of 1609.36 ft to true
pt of bgnj
Thn continuing W along the N line of said Sec 32, a dist of 95.04 ft
to a pt on the centerline of private road;
Thn S 310 56' W along centerline of said private road, a dist of
267.30 ft;
Thn continuing along centerline of said private road S 260 26' W
a dist of 178.20 ftj
Thn leaving private road running N 680 27' W a dist of 145.20 ft.
to shore line of Spencer Lake;
Thn S 280 25' W a dist of 215.16 ft;
Thn S 40 19' E a dist of 112.20 ft;
Thn S 460 16' E, a dist of 79.20 ft;
Thn N 700 41' a dist of 283.40 ft;
Thn S 800 40' E a dist of 171.60 ft;
Thn N 790 21' E a dist of 48.84 ft;
Thn leaving shore of said Lake & running N a dist of 618.42 ft
to pt of bgn. The above descr tract is located in Govt Lot 1
of Sec 32, Twp 21 N, H2 W, and contains 5 acres, more or less.
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Year Oy.ter TImber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyster Timber I U,lm"".. Improved Ilmprovemenh B.ofE.
(BuIlding.) VALUE
IJ',? - :j, ') /773';;; SI73 0
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li.. I 77000 ~9 7/" 10(" 7/5
'/9 , I Lf:3f?tJO 0 Lf 3 !loo
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li /;{'1S'tJo 71/700 /7lYoo
zt) S,n,-.:) [- . It! tJ}'OI) 8 //JIl.idO
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?;i' ~ IJolcI5,-,,, ~/;,q{)O 111 '100
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