HomeMy WebLinkAbout221321100110 v..t FIl. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS / Pc:< SALE PRICE: -Rd. Soh. portl~IFPD__ ..2l..... 145096 Orville G. Bittorf 11 ~02 2-__-.1._ -#- .:,-~ 'J 0 L?~Y' 15~25'1 ~/-7/ fA.. .) ~ooo - - - - - #' /7J'1f ..iLL c1740.-?;b. "j ,A , A WI ..tl. . ,[. [) Ij~ I/c? - f-- - - - I 3 S' L J{ - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- - 1- - -- -- - 1-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -I ! .J.~" -, -~- - " .~....~ . '">- NUMBER OF ACRES ~I VALUATIONS vu, Oyd.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Impro'V.d 0,.... Tlmb.r ynlmproved . Improv.d I Improvements B.of E. (Buildlngl) VALUE ,.Q, .;;2,0 ~o 40 .a -- .ol.o .).0 ,/0 /f;< 0 /.y60 57- ..@- , ),0 .2tJ ~ -~ /~n1.rJ /~7cJ /- ,/ .;?-(p .t-t, L;r/ c~ .--e9- <-.<' (] ""-"- fu2.. -71-'1,j 4'70 ~ .570 iDe; "- ::5% /n ~CJ h E/C) .fL /tJ65 /d65' i2l. tJ__ '~ ~ / /J L.. .-,- /dlS .::) =<' ~"5.o ...1L2 <: ~ ..-,/3tJ ;;;~o 7f~?/J 22. ~/30 ~7" /.5'" -7S~5' 2t. fL.7.' ~ Jc:7~ J1b05" SJ>9e;? ~ . 12.. L.f: "./ LJ. //30 -:::1.-> I ~ /~5 460~SUO 7:3- / 3t1GLJ Lfto.5 7 ~C5 74- J, ~Cl % b 1:1-0 7;7 /e;? ; /.6'35'0 LDT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. . ~J:\1.1J'J'6~ - , . .. " . --..-.- '. '.L. known .,., ex Tr -l-Dn _ ~........",,-_ _..,-. 'l'''- A tract of land in Govt Lot 1, Sec 32-21-2 as follows: Commencing at ~E corner of said Govt Lot 1 Thn N along E line of said Lot 1, 50 ft'L.to pt of bgn Thn N 420 15' W 275 ft. more or less to (W line of said Lot 1 Thn NEly along W line of Lot 1 and shore line of Spencer Lake ;2.10;: T!,enC1 S.;t2^l5ffto an intersection with E line of Lot 1 Thn S along ~ line of Lot 1 to pt of bgn. Except Tract 12. ALSO A tract of land in the NN NW Sec. 33-21-2 described as follows: Commencing at the l/W corner of section 33; thence S 0024' E, along W line of said NW ^'W, 1207.65' to I.P.; thence S 42020' E 64.20'; more or less, to Wly R/W line of an e existing road; thence S 32034' W, along Wly line of said existing road, to the SW corner of llW ~"W; thence N OD24' W, along W line of ~lN mv, 112.50', more or less, to I.P. ~~ S ';?5''' . I Sl I ~r. ~_~::=;:CQ--;;:-:'-"--'-~---=-----------:-""-- e;- .... ~ --- . "". 11;: ~ I I I ! I I I I I -~--~~~~-~~-----~--------~---------~--_._-------.__._-----~------~-----~-----:~-~~---~ NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA nONS Vear Oylt.r TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber I Unimproved lmprovltd IlmDrovemenu B.ofE. (8ulldln".) VALUE 'J.j ~~I- hi;;":'; -/;;-1./> 1/0J0) , 7 J li , ,;;." S7.7.0 /'1- ~ { () ~ - .1!L 1t,ltJo ;:2 7%,1 0 '/3'100 - ~ " .~~ " I ~-"'-';:::S