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IF ,-- ,c'O' "-<! , File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /to SALE PRICE Year R~. ;~'f't :FPO -;: s p <;2 Pone. & Talbot Tnc. ,S' SO'A"J7J) -.;:;;;: .l'URES'l' 1/07-- __5 _IlL _ RtlW $' 31 1; I 3977'10 f~~,k, ft 7 (;,.3&/ -lCL;J ~''';I..zt.m.iL ~ ~~/. 'J.u:~A b.e.-' ~ ,::;tjov -------1 I ~S'J" / 7?o OCfJ ----- I /%5' 4-Y7;10..5~b ~;r:n If J,J~ ~ - - - - ;f i-hV tl. 1~1 W7~3 ,~~x:u~~ iM_<lhI,,,q),sA t2 ci ?.3 CS-/ --I - - - - - - ~ - - - - I -I - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - , : - - - - - ..".., , , ....., . ---- ~ I '-...,~ - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 7.-Za Year OY1ter I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber. Unimproved Improv,d Improvements B, of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~ V (/0 L,Lc; /0-<:> ~ I ,.;),0'" c:<.<70 -- .51., b-C't: &.,~ ,5 f., L/ /J_ /)0 .;L&V?,J ';;06 300 L~ '/-O.OL 70.ot'; ~oo c:<oo ~ -b ~ .;251:; I .:~ /.2t1tJ i ~'~" k!l i --, 1 ~ r/:3O /'A.4j i' 2'l2. ~.oo -76.ao . ";3~, 3.:5tJo 3s'" &:'0 ~ . " , .lU'. bs"'5' ..:'.....'.- ;: ~ ':'.., #'~C1O " '. - I~~ ., .. ~39S ~9< if'! tJCJ 7/( ;. li % PJPC1~ HtJO -- ~~ ~11, tX:l 4!tf,ac IS?~ 1'l.5 R4!l;j /3'70 7? 1St IS-?:> 71 , / g ;J..Lj ;g .;<5. .... , .~. - ~ /J(J 0j:Lotj l ~\,;. , ROE. "'T ,. , ~~-::,..;" , '. ..-~, . .. .. --". ' " --~~::~:- ,io..;;.(;;;,">'~ ."zo,>' .';0 .. ".','.,;;,,', I -- I I T I I I I I - ., , - .. - --L- NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I V ALUA TIONS /u.J () Yed, ) Oy$ter Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro'llementl B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 78 CLASs. ~liEST 'Ie ,[ 4'; , . /l"Q,S' /ff''J,s- ---RGW c " .l.L ~ F'-<; /7"1c' .ft 1;3& /'/30 , PI Jo " , ~/o , J ,J ,-,~_13s- cc?Y3~ 1-- S.:i cuSs "'/':> '??, 4'::; "70 g? L: __.J ,-. "'-'':;;t.;.0 --,- '/ _ L-'__ fi.! .:J). j J i/::..7 Lj" , c.l ~~ t''cJ ,- ' Is, ~/, i, t/:5. 0") LJ";;{) s' , .. e-. - -- ~- , , -- -- --- , ----- --- - , 1Il.. , i " , --..