HomeMy WebLinkAbout221297500070 v.:'"-I -~-I,.'--~~~'---------N~~ O~~-----I-" CONTRACT TO pDU'~DS!_"'fCpDTS, Rd,l$th.,P'?rt I 9/79 36.754~Gene.~~c. /.uW I I 40 ~-I_~. ~L , H; 1Jj7G -.27.Qiln ,- !;;{:JO__'tj9_ward WLGJs..Jrt..aL----i--.I--i I. !m,_'f52tJ/P__ffiW/l,Juf~~_____n i -I ~! -----~-,-~- ~j= ---- _.___m .__[un.. ------- -. ~ J =~__=m=J___. _=:__m'.. I'i-D SAlE PRICf $93600 #65245"100 1i~6~~~0 W2J ---- 1- - - 1- 1 I --L_.. Year I Oyster 1t1~,,!, \Z3 d . NUMBER OF ACRES I Timber I Unimprovld Improved TOTAL H VALUATIONS - ~..,. Oyd.r Timb.r Unimproved I Impr~....d '3 OJb51 5000 Improvlmlnts (BvildinQS) a1CJ B. 01 E. VALUE 5,f)D S,()O 3'765 /s:- <> 0 CJ ---,-~---- -_._---1---- 1---- _m______, I n I 1-_- --------j:__.==l 1--1, .----1-- I , , i nm'_____.___ ____+__ ____m -- -------_. ---1------ ---- ----- LOT SEC. BlK. rwN. ~. 'SE. . --- (;:r7' '. (jc{()1T6 ;2;2 /eJ- I 'S ,_..~__... . .~ .i. "'{",.. .... ~ .-.. Comm. at the NW corner of NE, 29-21-2; thence S 0040'08" W along the W line, 520.86' to the pob; thence S 86017'08" E 360.63'; thence S 66024'38" E 148.57' to the P.C. of a curve to the right having a radius 'of 219.935'; thence SEly along the arc of said curve 98.33'; thence S 40'47'41" E 90.61' to the P.C. of a curve to the left having a radius of 146.04'; thence SEly along the arc of said curve, 118.78'; thence N 81046'40" E 287.93' to the P.C. of a curve to the right having a radius of 141.33'; thence SEly along the arc of said curve 140.63' to a pt. on the arc of a curve to the right the radius pt. of whiCh bears N 41012'47" W 460', said pt. being the cll of Co. Rd.; thence SWly along said cll, 206.45' to the P.R.C. of a curve to the left having a radius of 294.90'; thence SWly along the arc 165.81'; thence N 72025'56" W 891.61', more or less, to the W I ine of said NE; thence N 0040'08" E along said W line 173.85', more or less, to the pob " -..-~. --~-._-:......"._.. ,.~, fioJ ~ ~oJJ I!..,o/ 0.. ,(l~ Co.-Jd cj ~ Q , ~~pr,'t~~~~ U (, 0 C\ <i- () Cl......,v>'-'-,. "c/ l:P: !,uq , <..-' Cj/,\' {/- (l .L U G0~