HomeMy WebLinkAbout221294300010 V..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ",3 l7239C Clarence Stehr, Fred Pe! te t, 7 b.2;(so ~ 1~0 /),1,- 4 .:1- () F"J. 4t-b777//IDESICNAT::O <fJ-I'o), -I- ffl~+E !1zL3tf2.1,?c ({{l/od C, j Y.J..J /i IrJn .a...:,. ~=----~' NUMBER OF ACRES TOTAL ~ Y.lr Oyd.r Timber Unimproved Improved 2.35 2.$5 ~ k2.:. fak G.. ~ ~ ~ ""'A ,..--.. A ...." ~ k 7(:, JL 7J 77' SQ *if ...7.R...<.. b,R5 .... " ~ .;?, ,?~ ,_~-',.6:-:-- ) S'"I , - .', ~. LOT lEG. BLK. TWN. RGE. 'I/: ~, J . . .' ~ ~-;'~-:.<.-. ,~ . Oyster _.J '" "''' ,~ "',~ /&/.% DISTRICTS / .f' cJ SALE PRICE: Rd. ~~ PUDI~__ ~,tL //7.5;< 1 ~Z-~' 3 L 5FP.1lr75: . LVC;1 . ::( ...iL:~ II -#;5>.:zR.J" ---f---- ----- --f-- - I -~--- ---- -, , r ~~- - L. -\-1-1-1-1- I VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenb (Buildings) UL" .>JtJ J5l;) "0 Es- ~c; /St!J ;1(N) ;50 3S ?cJ //~ /.') . ~O /";'~ /<1"'0 /0 () /{;:;i - ",' ,...' -'" '& , '.-. --~'" ~---- B. of E. VALUE. 51) .3:;- ~O /,</JJ ,$D-ltJ /,?j'J?) ~ 90 //0 /~)/,' / .-~ ~ ,j / ,5',S- / f/.5" /60 I /{~-S- ,~.'''' ,,; " u 5 D p- 4 75 Be,.;. bt the l~E c')rllf'r of :')t2;$ rUIJ t,:n S, ulon,"; ','1., E"-st lin:> 56::; ft. T,m. ir. hI;', ' ir,>ctioll :to R. p01nt on the N. lir.etherecf ',!',ich io 44, ft; '.'I of t:1P pcint .J;' ':JPL. T;-.n E. c.l0IL~ t;lO N. lillE' '+43 ft. t') t:cp point ')f' be;. ~;' ~ ~ ...~,-~. . .. . - . ....... ii/ill - I I I I ~"" . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS -. t.JO Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I" Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr~Vld ImprOYlmlntl B. of E. (BllildinQ$) VALUE XL DES FOREST co, _ C ~ - ,J 6'0 ;2,f' () -- c_ < . ~ 300 300 .., 7'- .., /.:0,/ 300 t 300 t c'"' -' '.... )1'< .;IrS c:.~( ~ f)<j~ d-9~ - - , ----' .. - ---- ---- -. -- -- I -, --- ------- ----- --.---- -- -- 1__- - 1----. n -- ----- --.- --- .--. --- -==1 - 1--'-- 1-------- ----- ~-,-- ---. 1--. (- - - -- , - i I ; ~ , "~ --.~; Y..r FII. No. NAME: of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE! Rd. 10'. Port PUD FPD - - - - - 60 Towwald T. ;'Westby et ux 1 ~ 13 L / ; I - - - - I ; i . - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - e~ ,-.- . ...re _.. ---- --- ---"^~- ---.---- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Year Oyd.r Tlmbu Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved Improv.d Improv.m.nts B.of E. (BuIldIngs) VALUE .P:...j.. 1.<90 f{.I!!() """'''0 .{/ t9 0 ..4>..fL g, 00 [{.Oi) ,f"/J;}...C ~CI;).~ - ~9'5 9:9~'" . I I - LOT BLK. .. SEC. iWN. AGE. L' , iA A5 ; . - -"'- I I - - .,.1 , ___~__ ".~ 0.. ....";:;"''-- .....,..... , . 1- _.~. - ..<> , .. .' Beg at the SE corner of Sec 29; th S 89042' W 1701.66' along S line of section to center of existing access road and I.P.; th continue S 890 42' W 329.55' to a point on E shore of Spencer Lake; th along lakeshore N 8018' W 159.96'; th N 13055' W 236.60'; th N 1012'30" W 134.40'; th N 36031'30" W 115.68'; th N 47oal'30" W 125.15'; th N 33024'30" W 235.15'; th leaving lakeshore, N 47021'30" 238.78' to a point 30' SWly from centerline of county road paving; th S 62032'30" E 90' parallel to centerline of road; th S 58037' E 90'; th S 56054' E 60'; th S 54009' E 78.67'; th S 52034' E 49.91' to intersection of county road R/W with access road; th S 4043' E 58.70' along access road; th S 14059' E along center of access road 20' Ely from Wly margin of a 60' R!W 825' to I.P. ,- ~-.~ ....-