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11..zLn _2.15598. j"ope & Talbot Dev. 1 02 3 15 #33914
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Comm. at the E quarter corner of sec. 27-21-2; thence S 9&0'12"59'" W along the Eline of said
sec. 962. 44'; thence N 89048'5'7"-W 30' to Hie W r/w 'ine of Sunset Hi II Rd. No., this being
the pob; thence cant i nu ing-N'-'89"'-48' 57" W 600'; thence S 00012' 59" W 346' to the S line of th
NE SE; thence S 89048'57" E along said S line 600' to the W r/w I ine of said rd.; thence
N 00_012' 59" E a long sa i d r/w i i ne 346' to the pob.
\ p.('('C c)f'd ~/I
(Now Tract C of Short Plat #949)
All that ptn of the NE SE 27-21-2VMM" daf:
Cor11tEncing at the E 1/4 corner of sd Section 27; th 5 00012' 59"W alg the E line of
sd section, 962.44'; th N 89048'57"W 30' to the W r/w line of Sunset Hill Co. Rd
North, this being the POB; th continue N 89048' 57"W 600'; th S 00012' 59"W 346' to
the 5 line of the NE SE of sd Section 27; th 5 89048'57"E alg sd S line 600' to the
W r/w line of sd rd; th N 00012' 59"E alg sd r/w line 346' to POB; EXCEPl'ING therefrcm
the W 400' thereof and excepting therefrom road rights-of-way.
EXCEPT: Trs 15-A & 15-B of Sw:v. 4/52