HomeMy WebLinkAbout221274400010 Year File No. NAME" OWNER 62 95651 Frank J. Bus lih" la, I _,~I~^~/A -fLAb:;. J:"Ul{~ST I /J PV'-/l:>V ....... new 1l41l3 1/ - -- L' - I - --'-l11- 1 J/,UI j L (<<di X - J;-'T,<(,',., i..a !',"-- V..r Oylt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved NUMBER OF ACRES ,u ~ ~ )~ 7::j '41/ 'Jf CLASS. FOREST /10 n~" Il4 aa 7(P <77 71/ 71 ,,/- s/ 'l). - . AI. "'BEST LOT BLK. ~. lEe. TWN. 1/,). ~ 'i 0 () J::2.a ~.2d >)' ',' J/' "..:-d RGE. ~. - _., .~ CONTRACT TO . ,. I~ .'IY_ ,,.. r..//-1ff' .// '" (p itzJ TOT AL ~ Oy.,., %. ')...tJ ~,-~ -;: ~ ~Yt:l ;t~ ..,/ itJd '/(P ~;;ZO 8. >-:) 17, ~!-D DISTRICTS / g cJ Rd. Ioh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE 1 1Q.f_~ 5lLft , 2 it -", , r% y'O:>-f-- j S- L Jt. ---- 37C~ ---I- - ----I- - 1 '~ VALUATIONS I I .., Ilmprovemenb B. of E. T rnber Unimproved morov (Bulldlngl) VALUE '10 $'c> /,ilC ___ ~ Itho j3~_ j-ff4) ..;(& /J 1'cJ,,1f __ 3.;:w i_Si6cJ s..~~_ Lf&Q. &PO b~a fTO I~/~ - --i~ l3'67'O l~~~{; 3~~ : ,3,;2..---;;- 35'0 3S-u J.{,;;.,Cj Li?":;1o.. 4'Llc, -iYS-_ ~;",o 1/,:),:' '1..50 I +7~ /f'1o '-I, ~c\ -'/ 75' 4io I -- -'" / /, / ^'O 02 T-- CLAss. FORES'.i' I I . NUMBER OF ACRES YUt Oyster 1 Timber I Unimproved I Improved i3L _.J. fd-,O N fi --1----' 1-- 1- ---- ---- ---------, ------ -f-------- m_ -----f--- ~\... Oyster limber I I I I I VALUATIONS Unimproved ImprQved 5~5" ~.:(S- -5.,.)0 I I .. Improvements (Bllild,nQ') t l!i,Fu B. of E. VALUE SOl~ S~.s- ~',~' - I I 1---- ----- i I 1-------- V,';'T--Fill NO-\..----..-.---.----NAME of OW~------I . - CONTRACT TO ______~I~~RICTS, I t5 / _ ._ _ ~!Jc.,.l~PU~lfPD i I 389185-86 & 389385 J I! · : - 69 2;lJR~tkk~J:'jll9.l'9S~,,=iates--- _______L~02_ ,;L_!,3 ; L: H - - -- i I . 2/8l__l.iLZ22JL____ _f".icketL<\"_j'lior man~.?i UC}L9JL_I_I_ #72043 WOP - ----------- _m__ i -1'-'-1- ! I I-L ~~~I ~J- SALE PRICE # 16406 --- - ,.. --- -- - --- ----- --- -- ------ ----- ----- 1------ - "~'~f I I i I Y.arl-~:t.r (i J Zo.ooi-.c.. .L2L~"Z$" ~-'-1- . NUMBER OF ACRES limber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL H VALUATIONS . Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements I (Bllildln9') 8. of E. VAlUe ILl, ~ <:; - (iJ( n, ;/111 ' , 'i / -<--> '. /A'_' " ,- IG/Jj-. , , /?'FP rU 2320 B- ,/'520 e-- i L -~---I----- ' -- 1--- ------- --- - I ___ ' 1___- --------~- ===l I--! :----J--- ~--- Iii Ii: -- -------------, -f--'---I--- m________ LOT BLK. SEC. TWN, RSE. ~ , ~ -,--. - -- .--- - - O.L. ifo Govt Lot 5 ALSO 2nd cl t/I owned by State of Washington ifo Govt Lt 5, 27-21-2W.W.M., having a frontage of 20.00 I ineal chains +-; EXCEPTING therefrom t/I of 2nd cl conveyed for cultivation of oysters pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, Session Laws of 1895, to Thomas J. Mi I ler by deed issued 9-20-1899 under App. #2884. (See AF#245226) . e- Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE! Rd. .... Port PUD FPD - - - - ')2 Krabbenhoft & Dewitz 1 ...l l .k. - - ~ 146627 Krabbenhoft & Madine: et u~ 4D1/ - - - - .2JJ 14891C w. C. Madinl'!: - - I "'mp j , ({;A ~ 'LJ! g /!J C>~, -I # - - I _._,~ ____1___ - - - - -I t i -! - - - - - - , , - - - - - - " - - - - - - '. - - - - - - - - - - - - --- . - . - ..'-..-. ._--- ~. ---------------:------~-----------------------------------------------------~ ---- NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 5/' t. :1/ ~/91 /</D /4C'J 5;3 ~ fLfo .3 fL0 70 70 .CJ ~ , - - - /' ~T BL~ [- . ~ ~ -. --,..-,' "",' . " . ".,., -. .'- -, -.. -~. ,--..,., - , ---' .... .' -.. ". ~ .... ,-t,.;' .. -- ...--' - ~ ~'- "'- .. . -F ~ of desc Bgnat corner 1 f;om which the quarter corner to sec 22 & 21-2 bears N 510 25' E 7.48 chs distant thn S 720 30' E 2.06 chs to corner 2 thn S 360 30' W 11.35 chs to corner 3 thn N 810 E 3.00 chs to corner -4 from which the me to see 22 & 27 bears N 520 19' E 22.80 chs distant thn S 200 W 4.00 chs to corner 5 thn S 1.93 chs to corner 6 thn S 750 W 8.00 chs to corner 7 thn N 130 E 5.56 chs to corner 8 thn N 400 30' E 6.18 chs to corner 9 thn N 360 30' E 4.40 chs to corner 10 thn N 590 30' E 3.54 chs to corner 11 thn N 1.57 chs to corner 1 & place of b~n containing 6.91 acres ~.._--- ---------~-------- ,-- ----------~- --&1? File No. NAME or OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Yeer Rd. Be'. Port PUD FPD - - -21L "15i992 w. c. j'"'ld;ino: / .1 L L /0" -'-"- - -- ~ ;11a I' ~ U:'A,L- AA ~/ fio D C7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----'-- - - - - - - - - - - - - f-- ...--- =~~~__~_~__~~~___~_=______~-=~_~~;______~=~_~=~__-l~____~._~~~~.A_~:~~~'_~__ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OJ.ter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOVlmentl B.ofE. (Building.) VALUE ~ S9.;f,;Le: ';'00 &00 -8- -E'r LDT BlK. SEe. TWN. RGE. - I I III I I . . , - -, - ~~-'- ~'-: T.L. of the 2nd class situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon Lots 7 & S, wit~ a fronta~a of 59.86 L.C. 3x. anv of the T.L. includert in a trRct cf 2vster11nds conveyed thrml~h rteed issued Dec. 14, :907 under Ap.'~o. 2983. i"~"