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, CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /6'0 SALE PRICE Year File No. NAME of OWNER Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - . "2 l3,?Og( M. J. Rlltl "'r' "t. 11... ~ 1 3- 3- ..L.. Sfr Z3 b117i'~ · 1"'~JCiNATED ;I;), DU ~ - - - - / .:5 Q. L 7l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - 14~', - - - - - ~----------------~~--~.~~--~~:--------------::------------------------~-~~---- N....e m A"5 ~ m~"ON'.,.= 1m rovemenb B. of E. Year 0,.,,, Tlmb" U.lmp,",od Imp'"od TOTAL O,d" Tlmb" u"mp""d, Imp..'od . (:"'101',,) VALUE f? - -"..v ..;27 oj ,0 0,.:2/ hI) ;2,t 6,j 51/ .;(5' 10 ;( S. 10 ' ~ ot) . ;;?'/(f;.t2.;?,-t 6 C2_ ,5t; 100 .:2 ,')Ot'l ;;( loc) 52 2.5:.... 'I,':; /jj "'-!2C /7/:/ JcJeJ d .5/:JtJ :2.,9'10 1 r:,-'; L~? ~/t? 124//} ~t:JO .:hi :2.j /tJ'r} ,25iJ ~-r::J ,;? 5" &J .:<99" () :'?<;' '7. 15-- 7-1/ /0 ~..>o S-o 1.3 ;70 /$,"0 I. I, () oJ ..3 ,;., 2.5" 190 &~ 11fF ..J 0. X't.- "/;1.8 3 .J/;J 9 c ='-/cJ iff60 /376 6~~O (g/ 9./b .;((), (S- .;,;;,5' 3'1;<;,- ,:;;Uo <I- 960 ,;(.;). ::w '7."59D 6~1 . .5( 6S' ~o.a n7.s ~~O b 7... 1&;1 /.-5" .: '7/& ~./ L"'1 /y7/tJ 1~9 .:v3o /t)'~ ?h5'" ;n7.s /I,L/~e> I-?tl ~ ~;g -9".;? 6 t 3/3& /5'3t1() 5"'.st!J.o ! "If li>-hSC J:f ~~ -:1... ""'0 .s:'/o _ ,/,_ I- 3/95 ~~.a> ~j'CJ~ aha L'// .;2>' !2.. ~l\~ /~O /, /?/5" ~o /~5'o '7;;0 1i/:l'5 , 7J. ~,3../ () - :13, (() p"" %:J ---= 7..5'5 - -' -?g~ ~~ .--~~'~:~ .' , , RGE. , '" ~~,~"~-""b' _.~ -' , '" .-....,...... . . _"._."..,.~,,-.. . '....,.. ""'!'~"(t- Tax 63 Bgn at the me to fract sees. 27 & 34, which cor is 5.63 chs. E of the to secs. 27,2$,33, & 34; thn along the ml N 130 E 10.22 chs.j thn N 2!0 E 5.95 chs; thn N 450 E 30.6$ chs.j thn N 610 E 16.93 chs.j thn leaving ml 6 chs.; thn S 33033' W 27.27 chs.j thn S 450 w 16 chs.j thn S 2!0 W 5.95 thn S 130 W 10.22 chs.; thn W 6 chs. to point of bgn. '. E chs. j r , ..., c~~ * Ex. Trs. 1-3 Inc. * Ex. Tax 63 A to E Inc. ,..J r;--' .. -. ,- . "h'-:,j-, ", ~~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ? . - -n....'A d Improved TOTAL Oyster nmbu Unlmprond Improved Improvementt t. of E. (BuiJdlnqs) VALUE .Af. l.- -...... ~M 900 9dQ .;1.3. /0 ,/ 7'70 9;J(i /1(." n 1:2 ", /~ 0 0 7,5 -::,7,. ! Ci ~3. ,'v Ie-';,' !. , / ~ </5- 7'" // " . ./ / ,j " I, /~ 7?i /~ 70 . r/ , I' ./., I~' <I- - ,) <' / .- , ~ ,-..' '-.' /0 DBS. FOBBSf' c/~ <~, 5 ,..,....... ..... . ~r:. '/c"~.,J .- /, ' ~36C ~-"' ~~ hi ~;o> IfJ ~, '1 ~_ /,- c:::? '::r';1" / -,- . - '. / '-\.-:' -- ' ~ '-,.... / ''/'-0 ..J3'1iJ "'- ~... ....",... ...1