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Y.., 11t~ir----' NAt.lE of OWHER I 12/7 338014 Seablom & Platt Inc cf2 t1?Jt) ------e--' 1--. ,---,- CONTRACT TO -~ , , " NUMBER OF ACRES I 1- TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder r;, ./(:: 7.tI(; q <lie. 'i'lt. Y." I 0,.,., '/'/1--, 179 &3 1--,---- --,. LOT eLK. SEC. TWH. 06.. .. ; Z;j, 2 , '. c. ~a:~"~~Jt.f. C-' DISTRICTS I If C) Rd. $ch. I P"rt PU~ I fPD '_I 1 02 ~ 5 L H I tiJ '1'0 3 Ls:::. L ;I I-- VALUATIONS SALE PRICE #55475 _ $16000 Improvemellts 8. of E. (Buildin9s) VALUE ,6 d"LJ Timber UnImproved Improved .// ri (,) 1/I'1H'o'; ,;( i{~c;Q I I I I '1> >>~~ '0" ' 4.134' . . ' , I .. L/e') 0cJ /""40..0 ~.'?t.sCJ t~' -...'."',"0""~-. ,-.........-/t The S 612.45' of Govt Lot 5, See 26-21-2W, W.M. EXCEPTING therefrom the W 660' thereof; except also rd R/W. Formerly Tract 7 09 Govt Lot 5 ~ . '.-- \ j" .-- Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS II;' SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Port PUD 'PD .....sg, puget Mill Co. 1 '302 ..2... .ff:.. L SF - % J, 7.:r ,;fCIJ ~~~e., - - - - - tL #53'7//- JtL 30~ RCW84.33 - - - - ~s: 1~7 33g/f"f., /f A. ~. , '4/1 '::"$/ , f--- - - - - - ~S6A" I - - - - - - 8 .:3. ~7/~ - - - - - - 31ft> 3(,,/ X.I 9r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---r:-' ~;-:.:_-----_':~~--------;-:,------ ----- --------~-;:.:...- ~~'-- ---~_::-:- - ----- ~---- ," NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster TlmfMr Unlmpro....d Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improvtd Impro....menb B.oIE. (Buildings) VALUE 5-" ..- 1,10,;26 -4L.a.A5 yo-o d' 0' cJ d,'iJ. L:z.R: 11 A) / .:z~:<5 41;, ':l 'C; - 2%0 ;Zt. (10 ";;-7~o kl 16:fL) ~o Ql.61a ~'ftJ he 1at5% .;?a.~ .c:25' 33a~ 6S/,o lkt / t"dO 70.-.(5' I- .;1~#,o /.;;2 J'S- /3"'- //'_~c ,l'1"-9:...;z.., 11li ;$;J. .;:l,S' '(,"00 ~.:<5" f- 6'61,; /f~..f~ ;;(570 ;1.(; L/a 6 ~A.52 7/ -,g., .,;]5?tj ~,Gf/()C; M?7() 1;1~ ~~ ~~() ~?4tJ '#l!','u 1-1_~ 304d-. ~,j73 ~~.5 4~ / ^./'. &j6B/o I~,,~ ~ 119' ii, !J ;( J3({?tJ ?.;?~o J~<6 15 CLAS~v AI~. .:l. '" {/d..2 .;- .IS7a --...Be 84.aa /571) ~ .'."t- 0 17;',--' /7:::?" 77 ;7.1"ro ,;;. , - 01.::;' 7fi , <):' .. . ,;< I '75' 7Y ~ .9_~/ ..;/"'..::!.:> ' IZ2 /~;' / y/...?-, ~ LOT BLK. .5~~- :5 Ld v~ 1'<;'" 52- Or 6- '"#=~ ~ .. ~ . _} __H - SEC, TWH. ROE. '. , . t .. " :-- - ; '. " ,,., ~ -C'~ -;.,.' ,..'. --- .~,.:. . --; .." ~"'-:. ~~---- ~ ~I ':/f? /, ~ r(. ~_. t:._ "'"'" -