HomeMy WebLinkAbout221267600030 VMr I File No. -r--.----- ;{0(,,7IO 2/71 2,6512lL_~nt L. Riml;., et ,,1 W,L..ll9048 __ 1/77. ..1l~50l ~a 12/7, 33796l~.:.fe __, .o/!p, Jf.L3MJ~.~;/ &. !ia~JL~ ffu;,al- t{fdMIILI'1f NAME of OWNER .""." Y.., I 0,,,.. NUMBER OF ACRES DISTRICTS /%0 Rd. 5th. 1 P'lrt PUD I fPO I I I -LB02 ..lJ 5 L H I , ichard B Camp' ell et we L J)onald L-Velma Benson CONTRACT TO Ralph-Peggv Ba dwin aI-(.It ('tJL" " ,; it~I7'.a d uS' (&;'5"1/) 'limJ 3.'70 TImber I Unlmpro...ed Impro....d 3,70 11 7R 1'1 7~ 25 .3 7fJ TOTAL .$. 'J 0 ----~----- --- LOT SEC. BlK. TWH, RG" 1-- :5 S- L--I if . .p VALUATIONS Oyder Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nts (Buildin<;n) Timber IG t, 0 "-f 'i? J 0 Qp, (J" / r<'/{J'1 - =,7~ I~gs(') t3D t') /in c# /g q (/ I i 2 r' 'C-~ '<:' ~ II~ ~'A~()90IeIO, ,,_ "~aot c.'2[SurY:~~'J'ln;4J.Ji~,;~...OC~ta~7F ,',~, SA.lE PRICE "'7'1(t,~j.~ #46317 #50980 1;20000 Tt?/U7 t ,f'o B. of E. VALUE 16 [,0 'fg (0 370 l;{eS-o h3~o '~r ~"~rj ~ Govt Lot 5, See 26-21-2W, W.M. in Mason Co. Wa.; EXCEPTING therefrom the W 660' thereof: ALSO EXCEPTING the following desc tract: BEGINNING at the center of sd See, which is a concrete mom.ment; nm th S 89031'03" W a1g the E-W elL of sd Sec, 672.15' to the eX~Nded Eline of tract conveyed to University of Puget Sound by deed dated Mar 5, 1960 under AF 1197837, records of Mason Co, Wa.; th N 00004'48" E 770.15' to the true POB; running th N 89031'03n E 567.91'; th N 00000'44" E 1124', more or less, to the N line of sd Govt Lot 5; th Wly a1g the sd N line of Govt Lot 5 to apt N 00004'48" E of the true POB; th S 00004'48" W 1200', more or less, to sd true POB. ALSO EXCEPTING the S 612.45' thereof. .-\, > ..:J !~ ' . Formerly Tract 6 of Govt Lot 5 EX , -:""':~;;--"~--=-2. I{ .e'Jf ?-If .- W77C. /9,F /.21 -/.. LJ." ==- -/t;;_.-:- ' ) , -,