HomeMy WebLinkAbout221264400010 CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /:1:2 SALE PRice Year File No. NAME of OWNER Rd. Soh. Port PUO ,PO H6g~6 (jer~~uae t'eCK i!G - - - - - - "2 Henn Haskell 1 302 .3- ~ ..k... SfP ii0 - ,5'.1)' ,-/ ";/75/s' ---1:1. 4/ ~ ~Oi. ~ ~ L iL #0 '1;1..;5$ 117tf/f.li od", ~~ Cd -7/_ "-1-10 ~Cf!51) 1~-708' - - - - - - ,1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . ,----.- . . _.~ ~--- -------------------------------------------------------- .... ..",. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved m" ~ Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementa B.orE. (Buildings) VALUE S~ /f? //7 J cJrJ c2o, / /cHJ .J--d /.:< c::; 1& /'1. //) I. tJ () ,;(,:},Itl... , /-YLJ ,;?c) /rto 5"'~ /9. /0 /00 c:<.o /0 3%0 3J?o ~......2 /q,.J~ /,.tf>~ ;;'0./,:) ,3,?O .57ff' /3~ /'*.'f (J ,,,:1 .. S';5"" ~CJ /3.~ / /.Eo .~ .s--7S J3~ .. 150 po, 9.110 U. .-' /00 1/7< JY4!r "'};]J (') /'70 I~ /9,/0 ;..00 (;J,OjCjl /9p :7.;?.?l .fY~0 ...L2L /?~t!J ~ /6,,0 ?,;; (j ?~O /2Q... /9/ () '7/l /1./0 I,.LJO ;;1.0./() 5'lJ.7;, 3,;{0 /0/30 /7..3i:J S,,/O ~J?';;;O 7/ /,t;?~ /.O-~ /9-76 8.;2t!J ///.3LJ /7 Sa /:/t<<J I-""",,,,i'> 1/'..1 /-:/. t , ;(./13 /9 :7t: .;235 ..(/.tJg- 4~'" /l.O() ;f75:s" 1'1'::<: - . ,;1 ' ?~~ /? ~ '" ~./o /9.?h /~.o 3Y7CJ .y2,o 74 . IL ",%, 71',yo tffas-o :p,o~ /t.71~ 11~ /7 f. ( ,;< ( r; 7f: iiif.t;:r~ i j(Joo 3/J 1;,30 LOT BlK. -. ~ 't '4-At6 4-C . of Creek except Tract 5. 'f-rs-.-#4--~ompI'i5e5 ~ll It"\t.,1--a-n4--2-~nd-..:>i~-SE-Gf'-sec 26-21-2 EXCEPT TrG. /ll,<,3,5,"Tlrl 6, cout 7J.Go Clcre~ mUlt: UL les" EX4a-4o-4c ..;{6,;/ 93.5--</2k~,a~ ...-e-<~ (<;r~~ m Beginning at a . -point 898" ti from the <Gov! t ' _ oorner ot Seotione 25,26,35 and 36, Twp/ 21, N. Range 2, eaid point being in the oenter ot a oertain oreek running N. to Jarrel. Covel thenoe 1n a Nly direcuion, tollowing the oenter ot the oreek, to a point 1534', more or lees, to Jarrel. Covel thenoe in a W17 direotion, along the .hore ot Jarrels Cove, to a point making 435.5', more or less, due W.,lthenoe S. 1939' to the Section line between eaid Seotiane 26 and 35 I thence E. along the Sec. line, 435.5' to the place ot beginning. Excepting theretrom a tract ot land conveyed to School Diet #32 , containing 9/10the ot an aore ot land, ~ aleo exoepting therefrom a traot ot land 1I'onnyed to School Diet #302 Auditor'e file 1,,'83 ,~..,,~.--- ----.... - * Ex. I I I I I I i : I I I . -. - ~t" NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I VALUATIONS 0.n Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. {BlIjlding~1 VAlUe ~3 1'1. 7t, ::-. (J C) /1. 76 '/9376 -e '1R 3 7() r---- r--- - - t --- 1---- -- - - -.-- ---- I -- f----- ----- ---- --- -.--- ------ -- - 1___- - 1--. -- -- ~.-- ------- --- --.--- -- - e--- ~--- - - -- u_ ----- -- - - ---- - - - --- _._--- - I I ........_~.... - '.- -