HomeMy WebLinkAbout221264290060 -;:'--1 -FUe Ne> - .I...-----+.-,.-.--~--NAME of OW~-----I .-.. CONTRACT TO __------:--_!'.'!!_R_ICTS, / J' :< SALE PRIC; - 434ob-UL ~1~!?'-'--IPU!?;fPD:: ""Hi4627?<'i!J 69 f\9362LL.'_~VJ.11c.e _n:LL.._Himl Ie et a I ~-----~-f,2..._- --:3tn2.-I-L_~I~' #54882. IJ2L:U\-336.133i--- ar.L.B..J.ohI15nn.... _~_L_!_~_ ~Gg ~8g 1It(El3-?-h_______ ___ _-/-tJ7!'V 11 t.(~ >>t. z? A lA "",11~' -----t /;'?'/,;~~ " r' f'fh 7'",. .3 J... /I ' ---------..,---t'-- 1--=" ~:=~ --::-~-~ ___==~:_ --- -- f=f--- --- -- f-- -1--, Timber 1 Unimproved Improved 1 I TOTAL r \ Oyder VALUATIONS I . ~;t" . NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Ulllmproved I Improved Improveme/ltsl (BlIildintil~1 B. of E. VALUE '/1 ~~ I/o / j, C 0 I r { ..;<." 0 3/c.' 0 /33'-10. 3/00 /33'/6 -I----f----- - 1- I ---- -.--- --- I 1__- -- --------- ------- ---1------1------ I I I i :i";;fT;;i~ -if~ifOQ1J1j ----_....~ , ~ LOT SEC. BLK. TWN_ >Go. 21 2 Tract 6 of Govt Lot 2 i -. ,-...-=,-,-; (S.P.#807 A.F.#375523) Parcel 2 A tr of land in G.L.2 26-21-2 W,W.M. particularly daf: COtv'lv1ENC~NG at the SW corner of G.L. 2; th N 00001 '22" W 889.00'; th N 89032'02" E 850.00' to the NW corner of a tr of land conveyed to A.P.Carr by deed in Vol 25 of Deeds, pg 165, dated Jan 2, 1912) th S 89032'02" W 230.00'; th S 00004'56" W 100.00' & the TPOB; th S 53032'13" W 245.00'; th S 43047'12" E 378' +- to the high~tide mark; th NEly along the high-tide I ine to a pnt which bears S 25044'32" E from the TPOB; th N 25044'32" W 364 I +- to the TPOB. M~ ~/IIL ..,.. 3170 -. --- i '7., I I .< f . e ;?J:"' ':>: (1:- '" ,.r. , .._/ " ,. / / ',: .f ~ / .'