HomeMy WebLinkAbout221264200030 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.R 0 Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! 1 ~_3....Ii: L SF . ~ r-~ 3 S- L H ~2 ...lL. G. SinclAi~ .,n' ,:1,11..11 ch/d....,;'.o ..L'-:'rr~M' .J;L-~16~,) ;tQ..Dr) no<" rrd",1~,~ /, '1 Mt/M z/1li /l_ ./~W ____ loin ~3& /H . r !';,L jj~",. :.. I d;le... If if"~lIO - / ...:if! 393. '57 t/uv;ul /4_d. R-fa-R.."i ""!:D ft U Itr-q'll. M <;c/OZ;?} 1}",d f! . c:f jj It I_~ , ()() v ).,. a ~~?i17~ ,# ." .5-;;9"3:1- :30. 0 ,,\;, <<-7f~fp ,fUl W~ :;<l 7 BlPI? 3 1,1 qRbD '-cr --- ____~.~-:------.------~~--.::-::---:.:----:-:.:.::::--:-:-.:-----:..:-.::_'______._-:--. ~.--::en.-::...- -----. __ __ ' NUMBER OF ACRES VALVA nONS Year .12- 65 2:7- ~;l... ~~J... t,~ ttJ. ~ 7J.() 17/ 111~ I~ "%'i- 113 C' I'.i/ LOT SEC. <. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL /'. .5~ tJ :i-- 7,.)0 ~".7- () ,.:rrc:10 9: So rfso ,goOd 7C..n? /" C! /oj 3.CJV ftJ-t ro.o,-/ 3. trl) 9.0y- O)'lter Unimproved Improved Improvements (Bulldlngl) B. of E. VALUE Timber ;!~ , I~ (i)O - '7,0# .;) e 170 7cd ..:2 0 , . , '.....- .. "",'-' BLK. , TWN. RGE. e_ .. .- ."-- ~. ~~'/ 9,of AM % (;1 '-10 ('=-<::> 2/,0 3'10 , tlo lOr? 3S-0 490 ~/J /4(") 35'0 3/0 ~-() /t)8 ~Sl) 66JtJ 5'0 /00 tfOs- (.;,0 f:,- 100 .;;JCJO t/S'S-...2.LL- ?5 .zl):tJ S65 J?9~ ~;J.'; t!t.25 5("s;' /1#-6 'ISO J:25(j 1/.f$rvJ :;Jp,~o ~5o /.;lS-@ /?.$CJ l=?.-:C~~ .;} OfJO 1/ .:3.<11' --d-- 13e7.s2l> ~~t) f/'pt) $I..;;)S"C- 9'1?J'lJ /~'OO0.S'6i'i l"ino ( ~5no s-.:Y?~ ;. S-~~.:,- i 1 "" ~ ~:X9;tiQ~ ~d Sb~ .::;;', r_, I .'~ ., '-~ as Tr 5 of Govt"~t 2 ex Trs12 &; 15 'J'tt,,~.._ ..,..~___! Bgnat the SW corner of lot 2 in sec 26-21-2 lilnn~ runn iug J.~ '/'v:; I Thn E 1250' to int3rsect the Beach Thn SWly along the Wly beach of the cove leading_into Pickering Passage and along the Wly side of the Creek runnin~ into-said cove to the pnt of bgn cont 15 acres more or less Exc~pt tIl>. 2 & 4 &; Ll 1-' CS.P.#807 A.F.#375523) Parcel 4 A tr of land in G.L.2 26-21-2 W,W.M. particularly daf: COMMENCING at the SW corner of G.L.2; th N 00001 '22" W 889.00'; th N 89032'02" E 850.00' to the NW corner of a tr of land conveyed to A.P.Carr by deed in Vol 25 of Deeds, pg 165, dated 1/2/1912; th S 89032'02" W 230.00' to the TPOB; th S 00004'56" W 100.00'; th S 53032' 13" W 416.19' +- to the Ely right-at-way I ine at the Haskell Hi I I County Road; th NWly along sd right-of-way I ine to a pnt which bears S 890 32'02" W from the TPOB; th N 89032'02" E 581' +- to the TPOB. .~~ 8//lL " '-"'-- -A-... ~; d: tf!' .,.---1 CL f . J . ' / /l-f'~.L .,.', .-dt ',,_.~ ~ ,,( -r, - a.u__'_-I ,'.:' I. ./,.. /('-'" ~.' k""o,re ..~ _ .r' Z cx'.....,- 1/ . ,;.. ~' .:A_/ , C " ,.c'J ) '--'- ~ -<- );,; .~:.. 'C_ ,< . .;" .~. -' - / (~( ...( ,I'" /// ,/i' t i .'- ~. ' I' .- '- < I, I I I I I -r I ~t" .. NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS . GJ. .iJ TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL r 1- Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvemenh 8. of E. (BlIildinCjlI) VALUE ~ f---- 3.7/ 57/ /.,o-""C- /S" tJ~S- - t - - --- ----- - -.--- --- -. - 1 -- --- ____v. --- -~-- -- I- - -- - ._--~-- --- .---- --- - -' - - ---- ----- -' ,- --- -- ---- --- f-- - - ----- -.--- i I