HomeMy WebLinkAbout221264190050 / Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE .l pj-J-/->7 Rd. Set!. Port PUD FPol #1370fJ 59 /:'('(7;0 Stieg Gabrielsen et ux (-if ~;1 AJ. r.. ~d 1 JG' ...1.. 5... L H $14.? 500 ? --<7 /?"fd 9/ f' " 'I. I} i{--k: / - - - - - - ~ Ix?? , '7 O/PK/A.L; A-A J ~ .y Jo "--' .. (/ , 'P'- - - -#2- /YI-13.51 - ",%5. iJ. ) A1-tJ::~ /J ) oV/",~ - - - - - - <. f~//c>/ ~O #'7.3:i'7 ... ,,-,Of 191 4. /17. 1.L7 ) Q. ~C7&cJd , - - - - - l- . .....~ ~'-~ -2J- ,;z 7-~' ^7!:J ..'u X';/)j-'-~ - - - 1 - - f/11/ Jb.'J7_~ t 1;/)....<.. -1,--" J. A ~I-i. . I/.' ~';rU. . ,IL. U ~p .~ f//7P ;; t '!IN if / ( 771-.:h- h.fl.-j--- ?l rI (/ - - - -- //1:J- ;{73 7/:;' ;d+ rJnuj ~A;T{'1. /1 ff if " . 1= - - - ~g'~~~;; l'Jatp Vt/f ~f. .f P6S8.5$ j) .!bL JL - " '<', <<o,,~ i( ...!!zt :jLjC'1?--'i ~nAt .J-~/.: ,/{, - - - '3 ~ c P 7 t~<-- .'}JJtl 3.57.1;;,1 A' f l//M" . It,.} II). 4~/68G - - I- 1C'()o R.~ ~ 37/75'07 :J1i'lr- 5.r,rlll\~ 7~d ~U-1- _no . /..1 1-:.. . I..' ~~~/{<{i; bi.... --=-Q.-.------- J_ -.- ___..__.'--.'--c-- --=-.... --- -......--.....- _=-_.~.......-::no;~_-~ --- ... ~_s__ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oyster Timber Unlmgroved .._ 'M" ~ Oyater Timber Unimproved Imllrov~ Improvemenh a.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE a /c2.~() t,.~CI 1(}~ ~7. ~I /9a {i.fi /,:)0 3'10 ~ ;1100 - 11I::.f'f :2 ~5'f 19't;' - /.!5!;; /7S- 17~() ~ ,5"0, /.5JJ:"e; /'75 /~r ~ ~~ ,{,() /~ 9.0 oZ2a /9>> 6l... /"/.tJ{) /:?__5./ .:17 S'f -e9- L"'''J .; .:!,9/'.tJl ,~ 97/-.5 1Q... . :Q,% jtJ50 .:59 7'.0 f1!~ ~ - ZL /il / ()..5l) .6F?Zb ~~itJO 2390 h"f' . 2L / 11{; 6 9.9 ({L ~~o 11.:J.Ba $ r J?,,;(~o ~...l!... /3f?SOJ ~."S'a ,;)].$5'.0 1?2.. A5:'.3 '! :!15 .:Y.~f ~ifS- - #.;)E:o ~" .57/0 ,;!3!Jt>O Z!L .;;2';' 3j ~,/J.< ';/;:7..5/ ~ ~'% ~/f'7O i?4~O qf&;J zi... ,;(5;" ;Z I..:ul ::1/ ., / ~LPo5 ?L/t..O s,qU': ~ 7!L A. ;It It. -:XPitJS'" -- .;ld~ Z!L AI'<.2 / /..2{ /S,g .:<'/~4o ;;UtJ9o 7P /3-.I/!? /3'-1':; 3S'Uo. 3g/,,{,o LOT BLK. I ~ , .- , w' SEC. 1WN. RGE. ., ...~E,3?/Zl5. ) ".. " - '. ,~>. -. .; ... -~ .,..., """':.......1 . .~..' ".~- ~at part of the E! of SEk lying Ely of the cov:,in Pic~ering ~assage., kn~s Jarrell Cove and of Jarrell Creek flowlijg Nly lnto sa..ld ~ove and S f a line beginning at a point on the E line of section 20, S 005 56'27" E 1)' from its E quarter corner; running th N 860 W 569.69' and N 200 E 50, 28't-,~_.!nore or less, to the S line of a tract re:::orded in Volume 22 of DeedS,-..page 277; th W along S line at tract recorded in Volume 22, to said Jarrell Cove; Excepting th~efrom the S 815.1' and excepting a small tract deeded to narstin~,86cial Club. ~ Clerk File #10950 ~. ALSO: All that portion, if any of the ~t-SEt lying Nly of the 8 line of a tract of land conveyed to E.W.Bloomquiet by dee t;d 8eptember 30, 1910, and recorded in Volume 22 of Deeds, page 277 t and 'fly 0 ine described as follon: Beginning at the meander corner cOllmon to sectio &: 261 run thence along the meaRder line of section 25 ;Ii 81-W 3.5 chains;.:\h ce 8 560W 4.64 chaine, thence 8 1- W 2.88'11ba1nsl thence N 890 W 1.87 clJai'!l8; thence 8 370 W 1.93 chains; thence 8 9-30' E 2';5.cba1lU1; thence 8 <<0 15' ~~.-17 chains, thence continuing along said meaRder line and in... .8ly exte~o~ thersof due south to an.intersection with the 8 line of the hereinaBove ~enced B10Q!II9,uiet. tr~~~-!!&!h..4t. terminus_9.t _ md .1w.... _ ____ .__.. ~>. . (Now Tract I of Short Plat #894'lhat ptn of the SE 1/4 26-21-2W.W.M., daf: Beginning at-fPce NE corner of ,the SE 1/4 of sd Section 26; th S 000 57' 27" E 672.75'; th N 860 01"'56" 1'1'30./1' to the WI)' rlwo'lrne/of Co. Rd #3919 and TPOB; th N 860 01' 56" W 481,78'; th S 000 57'_ 27" E 243.01 '; th S 880 23' 40" E 480.18' to the Wly r/w 1 ine of sd Co. Rd # 3919; th N 000 57' 27" W 223.13' alg the Wly r/w 1 ine of Co. Rd #3919 to TPOB. :-.;:;.;:A ~ ,J/. G'x Rjt<J I ~/.~~. "9 I; ('. l' J ' . . r . 1 f- . , \. '(', r: d.cIA _ _. '...:,.! '- ~!_--oL. Nle~...~~c.... ""(:.0 (..k,.(' r1 "',.~'" _-fe-,: r 1.)",.J(~ -p-~-/JJ_';"'--t. ,;~/ ",,:~?kj-c~ ,.. ')' '. ':.,./. . .- 1~ ! ~~ . J. ,. ...(p (iY - , /':/,r . /.::~:.> ~ 5.' ~'d:~',/ '< 'j 0/,: . . A.-R '-' :t.<.J !;I;/...--'1'.:?'t,..--- If rl-e,-I ~j..~ .r~. ( 'i-I:" !/ ~. (j:p _.l , J : . . ,-- ,. .;n 'II ;'/' ../ , . ,.';00', i r!<; I Ci -,"-", c' J I vAt ~~'__ 1 . I l' , '. . .<---(-:. ...d.t f.'? --( :..:. - I I 1--- _==1 1--- L. _ .. Ye;r-FUe No .-r-----~.-'--~--NAME of OWNER-----n DISTRICTS /.1 ;;.....- Rd:-TSch. i p.,rfP('-OTf-PD I I --1-'-' ,_ 'I" 10/7 27.3712 ':9C if i c Coast I nvestment Co. ______ I 30 3 ~--l L ~ H; ~J2 'J,'}!,'J-c..- ~~JllHomdu ,". I r q 5/81_ 39D2B7______ .__.......i.er<U>l W.AY..stin e. t uX(GeoillrnJ___!_ 'l;f;<. dMd U, ____ --::''k_~ -rh~-f" i:F.- ~!'-! ' _f,!~ if !J~ '1le;k-if~.1i:ntf.AJ- ~() I~' " ___~ WI, 7'0 ~ 51 L II ~~ itt:2'~ -- _ ------- ,I 5111) /" -;:- c --, /,& -f; ----~- ---- -- CONTRACT TO - _L ~"" .. NUMBER OF ACRES I : :.-:. VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved Unimproved ImpHlved Improvemenh {BllildinQ~} TOTAL Oyder Timber '_",_1 / --- / ~ '1 h 9'TtJ '--- 1-- 1--- -- -.--- --.- ""--- .------.---- -----1-- ----------------------- -' --- un ______ 1- , I SALE PRICE' $38000 t"c )1 "y~.... _~73347 = $')7')00 .willl_ #7S.377r~F _ !?CLJ~ .Jt,?OS33 '\!D I. of E. VAlUE ~ 9Yt>