HomeMy WebLinkAbout221262100050 ... Yeer Rle No. NAME of OWNeR CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /:52 SALE PRICE Rd. kh. Pod PUD fPD J "tr7n i $#33773 11/7 12 27~16R Oral K. Tenold et ux 1. 02 , 5 L H .. 3'1/ 'fa .3 .s L J-I- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . YeAr Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved I Imprond Improvements I. of E. (lulldl/lQII VALUE ~ ,,~R .41p 3'(pO 1:3~d,fJ 73 7J! ,-;jp S~~/': ~&C/1 2!L ..t. ~<1~ JJ / .;Jif~ /1' dJ:!b 7x r/~- . 4- ('; /1,., f f{ g '-., c' . " ~ 3-,. 'I.~ - 3,;( j!J C, I T LOT ILK. ~~}~~~21~ S&:. TWN. ...0. ,_. ,?J.... . 2 Tz:ac t 5.,of. G9yJ; l>,gj; ~ & _~~ 11 -E ~_.- - - - ~ -- - ,..... COIrnlencing at the center of section, which is a concrete monument; run thence S B9D31 '03" W along the E-W centerline of said section, 672.15' to the extended E line of a tract conveyed to lJniversity of Pueet Scund by deed recorded ur.der Auditcr's File No. 197837; thence n 00004'48" E alon" the E line of said tract, 1351.84'; thence S 89055'12" E 270' to LP.; thence S 890'i~'12" ": 90'; thence N 00004'48" E 474.58'; Uence Y 13D57'49" W 44.70'; thence S 62013'53" W 94.57'; thence S 13057'49" :s 1".38'; thence S 00D04'48" 'N 455.94' Kore or less, to I.~. . e- "/)1 ~f-" 7 (2 O""hu P uP,~tc J t I.~.";:' (. ~_>