HomeMy WebLinkAbout221262100030 Year AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /A'':( SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. I Port PUD fPD 11/7 274952 r I #33683 27400;0; Godfrev Bmil Lucas 1 '0 , L H ~iOAOO 3//1 ....,-" ..- , "ie, I' .7. ,}. . '1/,7/",_ -'1>1-""",- '.l.i, J ~/ -.f I. ~ )) f. . J' lj:-<~( I. '11; l 3'-~9? t'r"j)h 12-/ ^ ~~U.I , " , t1l U:J .3 ~ A 1-1- %60667 ,;,,,;.>... 0 /113 -'l2:<.?? 7 47.....".::<<->0 w tiL J, ",cgaI/~ I otJD #?5('79 ~ .~ ,'D L , - I y", I 0,,,., . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ,. Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnlmprovtM:I Improv.d Imf"o.,emenh I. of E. ( uUdln'lll) VAlUe 7!2 , ~ 7'" 47" ..3't 00 2M.ot) '1..~ ..GrI'lV 5''';" e:> 7U I t10 ~ j CJ J>~o I~?o~ 7r:J I-/If 1-/4 I/.?Ata" /8''-IcG' SZ':l 3;l,.:(co 3.:(~oo LOT ILK. ;Z".ifz;.~'(J~---,""""-~ SEC. TWN. ,Go. . .__._~_{a()~~ . . M , '> '_ _ Tr!!.ct .3o.f_. G.9yii :{.oj; 5_ ~_,Tax, t1 ,..... """,",,"~i_" COI;JTIencing at the center of section, which is 8.. concrete monlUllent; run thence S 89031'03" ~ along the E - W centerline of oection, ~72.1,,' to the extended E line of a tract conveyed to the l!niversity of Pu~et Sound under Auditor's File ::0. 197837; thence J\ 00004'48" E alone; the E line of sai" tract 1351.114'; thpnce S 89055'12" E 90' to LP.; tr,ence S Pgo 55 '12" E 90'; thence N 00004'48" E 437.29'; tr.ence N 13057' d9" W 2.73'; thence S 76040'2;" W 91.84'; thencE'S Ooo04'4R" W 418.64', more cr less, to I.P. . e-- I 1 / / , -' / l 1,-.', - / ),