HomeMy WebLinkAbout221262100020 , Y.., FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /8.:{ SALE PRICE Rd. $ch. 'Port PUD FPO 1 10/7 _ 274Q'i4 W~nzel E. Tiedeman et ux =--,-, "SO 1 48 ') '5 L H I #33682 'In s ,,:u?7F b I --1-j!,),I' / ~n / ;:-':~Y9Y I, I d '^^' ~E"- g1j, 17ft! ;l- 3 5 L- ;+ Y.., I 0'.... . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .. Timber Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL Order Timb.r Unimproved Improved Im~o..menh .. of E. ( ulldlnQI) VAlUe 7~ 4.:1- ,p~ 3htJO 3"i1b 73 -~~ ,4~ 5~c? .s~o l!L ~o% I tJ fro /0,5'00 11-<1 ' 1-f..:J <-/2 I/:;'/.(tjo /9'-100 ~ 35'"6'8 ') ..:;:::-:_?7j LOT ILK. I ~~_Qk~2:_Ld..()O'7(J SEC. TWN, RGo. .._..__._~-~_.._- -~- -- ?L 2 Tr.acj;~f'._ ,,--,.. 'L.~. ",.... .....~ . I - Commeneing at the center of section, which is a concrete monument; run thence S 89031'03" W along the E - W centerline of section, 672.15' to the exeended E line of a tract conveyed to the University of Pugct Sound unier Auditor's File "c. 197837; thence IT 00004';,8" E along thc E line of said tract, 1351.F4' to tre LP.; thcI'ce S Fg055'1~"" 90'; thence !T OQo04'4R" E 418.64'; thence S 78D22'32" ',V 91.91', more rr leos, to a concrete ,"om.lJ'1cnt 0'1 the NE cnrner nr saia l'niversi ty of I'uget Sound tract; thence S OOD04' 48" VI along the E line of said tract 400', mere or less, te I.P. -.- . --