HomeMy WebLinkAbout221261300170 ..... Y... FIl. Nt>. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /%',;{ SALE PRICE Rd. ic". IPort PUD fPD I 8/7~ 272"'104 ~();uAPlI .3tt~ r() 1 ~O? I, b T, H Affidavi t ~ Helen Johnson ,?~" I ~t( ~LJ g <;"" I- ;I- -I -' ~..:"".:.~:::"~.~. VALUATIONS .. TOTAL Oyst... TImber Unimproved Impro,,1Id Imr.:o'l'lmlnfl I. of E. ( ulldlnvl) VALUE 1:J.. .:(,~O ~:<O L._-", /"- - '7-:j '7 G' cJ 7.sZl ~ / tJ () rp;, j;f;'"OO' /ft:;Q ...2' .p-'rJ .~ :; '" 30 f J ..3 r, 1 (J ~,'" IISoo Ij.!;"""oo , , LOT ILK. SEC. TWN. 'Go. " "'lI4 If1lT,nljliW.L71Q . ,,>- _6C.., ..1. . ' ,.~,' " -~-~ . \, , \ Beginning at a point on the West Boundary of Government Lot 4, Section 26, Township 21 North, Range 2 West W.M.; said point being N 00-00-48" E a distance of 951.00 feet from the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 4 and the initial point of this description; thence N 89-31-02" E a distance of 402.78 feet to the west right-of-way line of the county road !mown as the "Anderson Road"; thence S 00-00-48" 'II along said right-of-way line a distance of 238.00 feet; thence S 89-31-02" Wa distance of 402.78 feet to the West boundary of said Government Lot 4; thence N 00-00-48" E a distance of 238.00 feet to the initial pdnt of this description. ,. ~. .