HomeMy WebLinkAbout221261200140 ... V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /J"'~ SALE PRICE .d. Sch. 'on puo fPD I-l- f'1!~?~-7i Y6~O Affidavi t I 18/7~ 272"'107; Eli .r 1 R09 7; ..!J T, I" I 7;911.7;1 !K 1'10 .:5 <"" L- lI- e;-- .. " ...." o' I I .,0' 'i'~'" l" ,.,' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y..r Oyster TImber Unimproved Imprond TOTAL Oyster TImb... Unlmprov.d Improved Imf,ovement, .. of E. ( ulldlnQI) VALUE ~ :15"" -~~ -:J //5"' ";?/I~ ~ ,;;)/10 c5< //0 ?!f- !J tt 70 iI/.1J:JltJ ij,tl~, (\ 7~ 7C 7'7 II 'iOn II. 900 ~ -; .:;'::?~-c', ~:;_)gScJ LOT ILK. ;2d. I d-t; i ~(JTJPJJm , SEC. TWN. RGE. "'___._.__._.. _ _ _. _', _." ~.J.A il:f..GJ:l.V!.:li. . I .' ..."'~~-~ . -. -' Beginning at the Northwest corner of Government Lot 4, Section 26, Township 21 Range 2 West W.M.; thence S 00-00-48" W 27.91 chains or to the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 4; thence N 89-31-02" E a distance of 6.33 chains; thence N 0 -oo-4li E 24.88 chains to a ccve or gulch; thence following said cove or gulch to the m der line; thence in a Ncrthwest direction to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THE FROM county road. ALSO EXCEPI'ING the South 1527 feet and that portion lying westerly of the following-described line: BEGINNING at the Southwest corner of Government Lot 4; thence N 00-00-48" E a distance of 1527 feet; thence N 89-31-02" E a distance of 262.78 feet to the true point of beginning of said line; thence N 17-07-33" w. ;:", "',>t. ~~,._#) ~