HomeMy WebLinkAbout221261190030 Y.., File No, ~L-" _ _ N~)j~fl OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /.R.2 I SALE PRiCe Rd, Sch. I Port i>UD, ~...f.f!L1 I ..! 68 233511 Hildur Ashbv. Edna !.Ii tchell aJ d 1 02 31s- L H #6054 Dorothy Weieilscldtorfer --a---tL.. }-; oL/..,/R " ,~ ~ "'/l"l ~ li:. ~#J .r .L ~l3Jl; I~. / ./,~ .??': #6 82 .#4'<::67? , ,zk....::!>d~O b,f.2 u0377." 7?1d..~ a... /"J1e.Co....:k da.R.. ?~ / # 7,5'S.:< :,; '- ~~'oo uw / I .r .. ......-. .~_... . '.-' .. . . .. ....,.j . "-\.- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Yur Oyder TImber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved !lmprovement5 I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~'" ,9; -:Z~I R..~~ .:u;-'% :E.5 il,:2 /375' J?~ZO 711 7 $Zl~ 7() 1.3100 ~7SV /6~o 7/ -7~ /:<7110 3()/ttJ /&. 7tYtJ 7:1 - L -""10 /0 .;J:.S^ rjJg~ "7.:::l #, '7~ 3.SY J$5 ~ /b./ 0 - "30/0 ~~.G ~O ~O"~ i4- ) Is-c % 3,3.:1J.o '1/7'50 6~i1J" 51/?.!> -;;~ :U,(' ~"'.3t 5q'} I fil.SJ'1(~L bo;.tJ .;t~65 '7<' ;J, hh :Z,~6 128/.-:0 0 ::z. :{ r t:;c, 7& ~} I: :1 I '-I,li J./I ~ Iffj-f.IS . . XI 5cr. /,O/"l /'0(7 /;? I"''' / ~ /7D ' gj c:< S't-,s'Cj ~::'-b5"O LOT BLK. ~L:J.~I cl()O~'i\61 SEC. TWN, RGo. ...;._~ . :.;.....ft.~ " , ,-" .. . ... _-* "'-;I.": : '"I ;.,.,-, ",;,:.; .'~' " <.,.....~..:._.;"~ . ..-.~,.". '. -;: ~ - - . p~ti~~~f the, :fOl1~;ting described 'dlroper yini'h~rtheri~ oiH~sk~ii Roa ~' ' '. Beginning a't'the'E t corner of section 26; thence S 88033'29" W along the E-W centerline of said section 26, 1127.84'; thence N 1097.99' to a point on the N line of Wilson County Road which is the LP. of this tract of land; thence N 0055'31" W parallel with the W line of Govt Lot 3, 350.05' to the SE corner of n tract of land conveyed to LElli;oyne R. Carman and wife; thence continuing II 0055'31" 'N along l;;ly line of said Carman tract to the Nly line of Govt Lot 3; thence Ely along the lay line of Govt Lot 3 to the Wly line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Fred Kronquist by Warranty Deed #102314; thence S 9011' W along said Kronquist tract 262.32'; thence S 68039'30" W 362.03' and S 1033' E 376.65' to the IJW corner of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Reid L. Mitchell GIld wife by deed #1746,88; thence S 4046"30" W 41.34'; thence 1189003'30" E 114.08'; thence S 4046'30" W 50' and S 85013'30" 3 102', more or less, along Wly and Sly lines of said Mithchcll tract, to the Ely line of Go'lt Lot 3~ thence Sly along said 31y line of Govt Lot 3, 149', more or less, to the Nly line of a tract of land heretofore conveyed to Hildur Ashby and husband under deed #225018; thence W 200', more less, and S 90' along the Nly and Wly lines of said Ashby tract to its SW corner and the N line of the Wilson County Road; thence W along the N line of said Wilson County Road and 30' N of a tra of land heretofore conveyed to n. W. Weichseldorfcr and wife under deed #136296; thence 298.45' to LP. Except the E 179' thereof. See QCD #378279 for description. NOW TRACT 4 OF SHORT PLAT #91 I - See Short Plat #91 I for description. ': ._;;;:--~~ .~_.~: Ex. ?;e.=>, /2, /.7/ /<,1. (; J.. ~