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Ye."r FiI. No. J~" '^ NAME,~ ~tN~ . ~~ CONTRACT TO ---~-----_. SALE PRICE
Rd. I Sch. I ?~'!..~!!PD i I i
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/233509 Reid L. Mitchell et ux 1 300 3 I S- L , I
68 H $400
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I I 1 Unimproved I Ilmprovemenh i B. of E.
Year i Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber I Improved (Buildings) , VALUE
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Beginnin'::i~cote; -::f -se~tion 26; thence S 88"33' 29" W along E-W centerline
of section 26, 801. 57'; thence N 1421.84' to a car axle marking the NW corner of a tract
heretofore conveyed to Reid L. Vdtchell and wife by ~CD #174688 and I.P.; thence
N 1'33' W 376.65' and N 68"39'30" E 362.03' to Wly line of a tract of land heretofore
conveyed to Fred Kronquist by Naranty Deed #102314; thence along said Wly line of
Kronquist tract, S 9011' W 8.62' to a 1" iron pipe, and S 14"39' W 79.81' to a l' iron
pipe, S 45"05' W 155.72' to a 1" iron pipe, and S 14054' W 312.61' to a 1" iron pipe
on the Nly line of said Mitchell tract, thence S 84"46'30" W along said Mitchell tract
115.26' to LP.
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ALSO: Beginning at (i;~e s~ corner of Govt Lot 4; thence E 511.50'; thence II 765.69'; thence
E 544.50'; thence N 300'; thence E J70'; thence N 260 E 401' to an iron pipe which is the
I.P. and which is the I.P. of a tract owned by V. T. Ness; thence S 800 W 115'; thence
S 41.30'; thence N 84017' E 113.81'; thence S 50'; thence E 102', more or less, to the
meander line; thence Nly along ffieander line 106.42', more or less, to a one inch pipe by
a seawall which is the S line of the Ness property; thence W 138.20', more or less, to LP.
" .",.,."
PM(f~ 338/770