HomeMy WebLinkAbout221251400020 Vur File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~2 Arthur Wingert ;, I- .106 ,/-.3/ C'? o. .0 7.1 L' ,a.-::P- (:hc. ~/.s-5?'t: I Jt'm/ tJ j L. J 4,1) () U r---..:- - Year 10 IJ2 ,.,}'Zo ',~-({' 1.-5'"'7 Ifni ~J. Ic'l- l.tt; I~ff I-~ 1/7 1-:7/ I "7~ 17...2. LOT 8L-:<. I ~ SEC. TWN. ROE. - .- -------------------=----- NUMBER OF ACRES Oyller ':?d, 0 0 -1,.7.0 a ;?~ ,/H) ,"J-:O(') o?700 '),00 ~'7.lJd S. tn) ~7.tn - " DISTRICTS /l' .2 Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPD SALE PRiCe 1 '10' W7'tJ' l S- L SF 3112:: L... ;r #"ISO'l~ - ---~---------;-------------~--~----' VALUATIONS ~~ ,,/i, Timber ,~ /"" .~ ~4 /S;tJ;O! I/. 190 ,;;),$,APC /.5:"0 /';;<,CJ_C /5'00 /1, 'OcJ .:J.~...()~ d e:l ,pO ~PO U I d I .. Improvemenb B. of E. n mprove mprov (Buildings) VALUE ;2.5 () 2 0 '" 4ScJ I ! (' / 50 ~2..s::L de::" I / (') 1,"')I1,;;{ 0 0 4-1.. 0 1/ () / ~-() .5,.2.('J r;, Ii 0 /70 /~/J L/;<tJ ,/c,.LcJ 170 Ib-e..! ~ bE' Sf!.=,- :J. ,:1L~ ..? if 751 ;( (p '!:" ;) '1(;0 ,;).). 0 I st'Tb" ;U,P 19.10 .:t7S I'.!f:;:~ 33~ -.tiJ/./'O ',-r6S'4?.55 -,3$.() _s;J'~ //80 '-j1'/tP 67tJ //'/'/0 .//30 99/~ .3tJi!J //3*, . /r.3:tY ,~bf2 ~~' 73]1'0 /!f"7C;- '/.::f:;;5l;T - /l'7'93/:) , ~A..<;'O ~~:iS- 1,))';/..$0 , ;;2d-/~ / tfOOD;2,Q . -.' '--";,.0'-_._ ,-___'_" --. ,.:,' '. . Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL :J. 7 "<7 r22 s ~1 .,', ~ Bgn at NE corner of See 25, ~.p,21 N, Ra, WWK run ThnS 21.19 chains to M.O. between fractional Sees 25 and 30, Twp 21, R2 and Twp 21, Rl, W, respectively; Thn alon~ U.S. Govt meander line as follows: Thn S 13 00' E 0.17 chains; Thn S 49030' W 15.03 chains; Thn leaving meander line run N 31.11 chains to line between Sees 24 and 25; Thn E 11.40 chains to pt of bgn., contain 30.00 acres of land, more or less. Description from QCD 1315576 The West half, as measured along the Nly & Sly boundaries, of that ptn of G vt Lt 3 and the NE NE 25-2l-2W.W.M., lying Sly of North Island Drive County Road and lying Ely of that certain tract convyed to Mathew E. 3nith and wife by contract dated 2-16-74 under AF# 286838, and lying Wly of that certain tract conveyed to Anna O'Brien, a widow, by deed dated 6-28-49 and recorded in Vol. 125 of Deeds, pg 426. r'~;~- .~~ _ _~~ _~_ '.......~ ______ c.__.. ..."'''"' ~ ___u -, ~~ -.- . ... -. --'",. . . You I O,d" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nts .. of E. (lIulldinQI) VALUE 73 ...:1/_<9 s: '1', .::)7.01) /?:e:; #60 I' ifdl~() I~!"i P7J1!/n ~ ,11:'< .<<PiZ." $0'-0 ,~:l.S /~ ""?/fJJ ~ ~.. "f",/7q 3,/. 'i ;:;~'I1' /,c" ~5' .~~ .:l;:;<.;) <:;' '7766 71 u /e'9% 9shS 1/:775'" S"'os-O ~"J"t") - '15 ;?,81/ , \.: ..312.7'. :> [., ':JZ-7 '.s::g-:!~ - 7,F' - ,~.cZ,"":: ~.:J .:! I If (J-{.5 /'+/'-f5 t3 'I '3oSo '13oS--o S3 A h ,'? ;)u ;< 3:3 70 .2 3370 "' .