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DISTRICTS Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd. Sch. Po" PU FpO SALE PRICE Mason County /)C;-lT7h . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unlmpro....ed Impro....ed TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimpro....ed I mpro....ed ImlYCNements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE LOT BLK. ~~O~lo{)~O:6TOl SEC. TWN. RGE. .25- 21- 2 CountyR/W ...;.. .-. , - Y..r File No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS lit!> SALE PRICE' , Rd. leh. Port PUD ;~ 52 133683 Cecil A. Brassfield et u 1 302 - -1 J:i 55 C.F.26 9 Mildred Brassfield - .....6.L 1/,f9o;z 7 ~A,;/J .\0. a. Jt'l~ ~ A .h.O w.L ..Yu {I 1/ / ~cf~ } ,~. j",-. ~ -: [" .:??,{. 9~ .;l/.,J., 33t, '- b" IJI' (] ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.--'- --- - _:. - - - - - - - - ------ ------:...~--:-:7;- :::-";'---:7.-';":-:'.-_:_-~: -:::':::'-:;:-~'---~~.- --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS y- OYlur Tlmb.r Unlmprovtd ImpfOvlld TOTAL Oylbr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE R 3.20 3.20 90 50 140 ....5..5.- 3.20 3.20 qO 480 570 ..'iL 15.33 L.C. 3.20 3.20 160 90 480 730 ~ - 35t5o ~qt:J (,/tf),/o ~ ~~ %. , ?-:; 5'" /i//O g'P.5/J ?.s5' ~ 22 .<; ~~ J'7.~n /qJ"b "J 1L /?.5bt;j /MtJ /;?.?*' ~ - -'0 /44tJ :L3- ~ / 9'9'0 d49~ 14- ~ -.% ~~<!1 #J'J"CJ 4Lfl<ftfto K ,- 'Z"'L If' .1.'; C :;':;20 '1;20"" t{ ~; ,In 9~.51D 1.5 .-...;'::' .. , .~~ 0-. ~ .., .~-., I '- ,. I ;2 -I~ .......> -I I - ' '.~ ~ 'L , , I LOT BLK. I I I - , , ? SEC. TWN. RGE. 1 ~ L . ~ "-"--...-- - . , , , , ..,..", -._. ~ '" ~',. -' --- . '. .~ ~"-" . .. ,. ~~.; . - .,.~; "'~-~~fOt..-,_.... p;;.,",:.! --:-..}.~"" v............... Beg at the ~ post at the NW corner of the SW~ of sec 25-21-2; th N On sec line between secs 25 & 26, 450' to a stake on beach of a cove off Pickering Passage; follow meanderin~s of said cove to a point direct' opposite and W of I.P.; th Eta I.P. Tax 647 -- All tidelands of 2nd class lying in front of above desc.. .2 . I /' , ,'J - .1 I ~? /" '. Afd 'J I 'x /l/ l I. .- . I("'/ll/ J,,/l. 01~' // ;; ,I ;;~ItJ-e... ,/ j( /~A/l ~- :t v .-- v ,/.-/1'..l..I..'//--;. ___ _, J I d -1 /', +..7 r,--"'-I.._"'/; ~ c:) ,t~i; ,k:/ f/ rA ere-Iv./ , ---.~ . ~