HomeMy WebLinkAbout221247500040 vea: I File NQ -r----. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /Kt'J SA.LE PRiCe Rd. 5ch. I p.,rt PU~I fPD I I - n/76 .319ML William J. Bowers et ux 1 1302 13 5 L H - 1!{, 1'-"0 ~ II wr 1161 nT- ill'l f-32illl.8A... ....JlK.IL.\1__ F I p.d et ux (Maryann) I H lr){ .J S' L b_$151700 - ---- n_ -. ---"-- -----. ---_. -- ... - 1---- . . " .. .- . ... ,...1 Oy.'" NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS bJU Timber I UnlmprQved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved lmproyed Improyemenh 8. of E. - (Buildin<;1i) VALUE 75 1.00 l.00 1500 229'2.0 24~20 17;7 7tJtJO .."1-3785 (.tJ 7 ;r.5' l:L 5: 5'1 $.Sq 47SI? ----~ .- f/75o - I.J..~ c1':<.1/' 0 a7 ). 36cJ - -- - - .+--- I I- i LOT aLK. SEC. TWN. 06E. --.. J . ..... LI-7,<(}C>!O~J..t~ . " .' " .,~ . .i !4"i>-L:. . ._--.- ."U .' .\\ ..,,c.' _ ,. J. , F6RMERlY:~ Tract 8 of Govt Lot I Beginninc at the NW corner of 1;he BE BE and the cOllllllon corner of Govt Lt 1, 24-21-2W.W.M.,; th N alg the W line of Govt Lt 1 to the government meander line, th NE alg the govt meander line 580' + -; th S 150' to TPOB; th continue S 208'; th E 208'; th N 208'; th W to TPOB. --'''_~c;'~.'Ii!!''"''''''-'':_'' ,">. ....~;7-.,. .,,-..;,~- --^~. Now Tract D of Survey 7/65: Beginning at the SE corner of 24-21-2W.W.M.; th N 020 03' 58" E alg the Eline of sd Section 24, 1155.00'; th S 890 57' 08" W 180' to the SW corner of tract conveyed to J. Grace Whitten by deed dated 8-3-1916, recorded in Vol. 31 of Deeds, pg 304, records of Mason County, Washington; th S 670 08' 28" W 408.37' to TPOB; th N 580 09' 36" W 329.66'; th N 350 24' 14" E 28.92'; th N 580 09' 36" W 461 .89' to the Eline of tr conveyed to Irvie Wingert by deed dated 9-30-22 and recorded in Vol. 41 of Deeds, pg 234; th S 020 04' 53" W alg sd Eline of Wingert tr, 107.12'; th SOlo 56' 52" W continuing alg sd Eline, 618.57'; th N 670 08' 28" E 735.62' to TPOB, r----- ~-. d. .