HomeMy WebLinkAbout221247500020 Year l File. No. ----~ NAME of OWNER 3/74 287753 William J. Bowers ~111&_ jj~~2'~iu !fr~.. 51/!: E DISTRICTS / g ~ PUDFPD~I 3 r: IL IH I Lf! CONTRACT TO R~, Set>. I P"rt 1 30 -----~ ,; .~A. rd J}2-<-l d/.l.~/'JI';/'7I'7J'_) j{.J(ji}. --u...r. - -779.. '3~}i,N i 1 . Year Oyst., TImb", ::5&('1 -'1 ~- LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. et ux ~ NUMBER OF "'CRE~ Unimproved I Improved TOTAl '- ~ f-_._, " 9,(JO t 5(''; .i/'i6? ! L .J. ~ I JIB, Y'S"L 6, S-02(),ltS- ,. . , , - I I r" ,; -l 1; " "j - -IL-U rr_" t-- _r - : '_ Jlo,tj8 1_:;,50 /.3. .?6'~ . I I. 0(' · 4. 85 c: ~S'I r" I~3 II ~;fj t t r 1 +. .r-- +- 1 : !-- + I 1 .I I ~i - I , ('0<'.% I ! I- I I I. ~. I !- . ~ SALE PRICE $501000 -;----,L;t: / /":!/"(1(""'p\ ~- 1 1 t i , I t t -'. -. t , + .L ~- + + . , J t i + J , 1 .1 , .. VALUATIONS O'flter Tlmbe' Unl""ptoved ..... Impro.....d Improvements 18undin9S) 8, of E VALUE , t /O(J i~,;1SJ$"~SO-+//'1/0j~J>7d'b L10hO jSO~O_~.x?dloJS731C?. I GN~'""Cll . _ l.$f!.21-"_, -G- .!S1?79_ ":;> .~ J. , I 8'?"1L...'i + tl .:;V;z,:;.L. + . , .l';1,;'..: 0,!L '- ?.5G d -1-.1. 65'1,([2_ ~ 1/9'0..\+ S-~lJ:(lI.2,s-?:?tL '/S'1'/6().::b 7y',- J.;?.:! ~(1t'!L ., " I ., I l .1. +- , , I t I , I + , ., t .1 .J i . ~_._l__.... ~,p,)~4-75000A .. .caiite,~Qi...,~\ilr.\!#1. 7{flJ.:1J:". . RGE. , ;~ LY: Tr 7 Govt Lot I & SE SE & Tax 6610-1 ex. That portion of Govt Lot 1 and of the SE SE described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of tract conveyed to J. Grace Whitten, recorded in Volume 31 of Deeds, PB8e 304, said point being N 89025'54" W 181.5' from a point on the Eline of Section 24, N 2004 '08" E 20.37', to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "A"; thence N 51015'30" W 143.76'; thence N 59010'40" W 109.24'; thence N 49051'44" W 347.83'; thence N 58031'28" W 106.94'; thence N 19032'27" W 78.30'; thence N 27013'13" E 74.05', to a point hereinafter referred to as Point "B"; thence N 69018'04" W 240', more or less, to the W boundary of Govt Lot 1; thence SWly along said W boundary 580', more or less, to the NE corner of tract conveyed to Irvie Wingert by Deed recorded in Volume 41 of Deeds, PB8e 234; thence S 2004'51" W along the E line of said Wingert tractt 145.87', more or less, to the S line of Govt Lot 1; thence continuing along E line of said Wingert tract, S 1056'39" W 619.50'; thence N 67010'47" E 1142.23' to loP. AUlO; r",,~ Ft7U-oup,vC7 ~~~r;t:!o</ "..,.. ,c-v~ 7.<.:..-;..c... 7/J c;.o I!'T L,- / ~...::iE.:sc 11 ~cinc at the SW corner of tr cODYeyed to J. Grace 1Ih1tten .6y deed r.c~n Yo1 :51ar J ~ M 304, lid point being If 89. 25' 54" W 181.5' frO!a ~ on the E line of Section 20 04' 08" E 1,155' from its SE cor~nN 20 04' 08" E 20.37' to a point hereinafter re e to as Point "A"; th N~; 30" W 143.76'; th N 590 10' 40" W 39.58' to POB; th N 590 ro-~-;th N 490 51' 44" W 347.83'; th N 580 31' 28" W 106.94'; th N 190 32' 27'~.~270 13' 13" E 74.05' tap hereinafter referred to as Point "B"; th tL~- 27' 23" W 240' + ~ N boundary of Lot 1; thNEly alg sd N boun~~380' as measured perpendicular to1;~ above course in this descr:j.p.ti-off; th S 420 27' 23" E tap which is N 20 04' 01" E from-1>Ofr;--.tb. S 20 04' 0~..w--549.95' + - to POB. -- -- . ~.-- EXCEPT Tract 7-A Govt Lot I & Tax 6610-1-2 Beginning at the SE corner of 24-21-2W.WM.; th N 020 03' 58" E alg the Eline of sd Section 24, 1155.00'; th S 890 57' 08" W 180r to the SW corner of tr conveyed to J. Grace Whitten by deed dated 8-3-1916 recorded in Vol 31 of Deeds, pg 304, records of Mason County, \~ashington; th N 020 04' 08" E 20.37'; th N 51015' 33" W 143.76'; th N 590 10' 40" W 109.24'; th N 490 51' 44" W 105.66' to TPOB; th continuing N 490 51' 44" W 242.17'; th N 580 31' 28" W 60'; th N 390 15' 06" E 219.24'; th N 340 23' 41" W 360.94' to the NWly I ine of Govt Lt I; th S 430 47' 00" W alg sd NWly line 180.82' to an angle point on sd NWly line; th S 350 39' 42" W continuing alg sd line, 376.30'; th S 610 51' 44" E 343.57'; th S 410 08' 16" W 100'; th S 610 51' 44" E 303.89'; th N 410 08' 16" E 214.66' to TPOB. 4..so r/.t-s