HomeMy WebLinkAbout221243002030 ... YO<'lr File No. I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO I'd. DISTRICTS /!I;;; SALE PRICE Sell. 'Port I ~UD I..!:E!U.--J I 11/7 Irvie Wingert iE.J.Weihmann i .~ " 1 ~02 3 ;:, L H $10,000 i17.J 1274 OJ/./ I? '1, uJjJ/j, /Y'WJ.n1/Yl .it Ibt ' --.,.,") ~ ~O .3 S- L 1/ I//Jnt ~ I - . , '::::~.~:---~ a;---......- ..._-- .~... . .- --'-- "''""- - ,-....._~'.~...... . _,~ 'f! {.;;.:.r 1: .....- -,; ..- . ... .~... .~,-.. ~ I NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I I Oyster I Timber Unimproved ! Impro....ed Improvemenh B. of E. (Bllildinljls) VALUE ?'/I ././/1 'lJ .:7. "tD ,d,.:t-c) /~ / 1Ib ~ () '7.2 5g()~ 5$.00 Z!I if.:;},?", 7Qtf>S" ltJ (1 % 1'/570 /rfS7o I 7>1' 1-/ .:'iJ.!..t I,.. . ..2 ,"), Id.on 3()1/?t I ":?n-l 7'; 1.'3 tf77tJO Lf770(J .-. 1 I , f -~ i \.. ur LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RG~ .~ 1.;;2.. .. ., () o:,;i, o~tQ!. , ... - ~., .. .. ~'" , .. >(:.!:.-,-, ~ ': ' . - ( at a point on the S line of Govt Lot 3, N 89025'54" W 1146.63' from the SE corner of Govt Lot 3; thence S 89025'54" E 133.39' to the Wly line of tract conveyed to Fred Romberg and others as recorded under File No. 225078 (same point being N 16022' W 192.60' from "Point A" as described in said Romberg deed); thence N 16022' W 115.28' and N 10030' W 252.25' along said Wly line of Romberg tract to the Nly line of said Lot 3; thence Wly along said Nly line of Govt Lot 3, 265.97', more or less, to a point N 180 Waf I.P.; thence S 180 E 373.11', more or less, to I.P.; TOGETHER with tidelands lying infront lying Wly of a line running N ~o W frmm the NE corner of said property and Ely of a line running N 250 W from the NW corner of said property. "~.'ll"':._ :.,..........,.._~ .. ..~Vl.......; Y.ar Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICEi Rd. ~r..t PUO "PO - - . - I-- - - - I-- - - l- I-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I --- ~.!.::~--~:..- ---- ...-.:....... ...':- - ~..~ .....- - - --------~ -------------_=.."~;,..:-_=-......._-;..._-----_'":.=~.;:.--.. ~.... ' ..." - .... ....4 ... - .. !'"-'l ..- 'l! NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar OJd.r Tlmb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL !)yo'" Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Impro.....menb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE €:L q~~ 12",... 1'71 .. C , "' J , LOT , i BLK. ., . '~'-'-T"IJ , , SEC. TWN. ROE. ' . j I , ., ~ ..... ,.,t. .. --....-------- . . -" ..........- ,,,,.m"l_~~"'~' '~'_._r'",."""!!-,"'" "'''~'!''i" .-,,~--:o_.~.,--~~." . ~ I, All TL !it! r:rGn,n~fcJ.i)\ls, 4~~F;&"€i' In See 24-21-2, with a total frontage of 70.87 lineal chs, ex A & B. All TL of the 2nd class, formerly owned by the/~tate of Wash. lying between the line / .... --.- ., 'WJ.'-----l Lot 4, Ex. W. 10 Acres of N. 20 Acres Assessed as Stadium Beach ~ 43.00 Acres It " 21.50 It It " 6.75 " " " Oyster 83.53 L.C. Lot 5 Lot 6 Tax 658, 925, 1037