HomeMy WebLinkAbout221142000010 I'" ~-~-T--._.-'-- NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO CLASS, FOREST 15 3f}#flJ;J, RCW 84.aa 37~ J 4/7722.7306 2gJ!l!.Jel T. Comstock & Joy D. Comstock , ~ ---- ~iT?/RPC';! U,J -----'1------- .,- , -f------ . .j' . ,> I roo, I 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 1& \,; RC " 84,33 \- ,-::, J ),5/ , ~ 11 1!L.h,l "o'e70z,," 78 (is/ ,,5'1 71 ' . v.~o... .I':',d-/ P'c:s / .RCW 4.33, 7~ ~U :1/ ;1 , I 7.ci -::.--. - '.22 - I'OBB8T 8) 31/ ?",~;; / /..~/ -"-'-7------ \;( l. Oyder Timber DISTRICTS '75 Rd. $ch.! P/;Iff PUD I fPD !_I I 54 G 3 3 L H SALE PRICE #51839 _ .$l'i()() VALUATlONS~' ':'l... Unimproved Improvements (8uildin9'l Improv.d ::1-' ,- "';';,j :::; ~"/C 1/-1, g () p"'. . '?,QUC'PL ,0/;17 ~--;"'cJ 'I ::'(c;" -<17 tJ '1ft) (, "< n I j" ~V~ \ , LOT SEC. BlK. TWN, R6"- [MjjjjJj,~.-g~;l - - -- .-.----- L .",;,k.' b70 ! ' / f'f " I --' j CLASS. FOREST BCW 84.33' ~"-~ (" fO 8. of E. VALUE 3~5 L/<'/c) I.h, P () !if" (.~ ~.' , '-- -;/G cJ L/- 3 c:;- lf7tJ ~f',) ~ "SO t. I., !:: 070 . / Co,:::, ",-",,!;,.,...,,--,--,-..,. , ., !1:'-'-"""*""",,,'. , .~.",- Th ptn of S 1/2 of S 1/2 of NW of Sect. 14-21-2W, W.M., daf: Beginning at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter, northwest quarter, said Section 14; thence along the south I ine of said northwest quarter, S 860 15' 59" E, 117.38 feet; th N 310 24' 06" E, 771.40 feet, MIL, to the north line of sa i d south ha I f of south ha If; th N 870 14' 10" W, 650 feet, MIL, to the easterly margin of Thomas County Road No. 2961; th southwesterly along said margin of road to the south I ine of said northwest quarter; th south 860 15' 59" E, 533 feet, MIL, to the point of beginning. "'-':~ _~: 2. ,...,.,' ~". p u D~ 3&'1 IIO~ J