HomeMy WebLinkAbout221103400040 .. , Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,f':c.. SA.lE PRICE R., 5ch. I Port 'UD f.D I 7oJ7,y!j:J- ~ ,J. ]35~66 5/73 <79',9:1 Ashlev G. Thoqas 8t 2,1 I..>\~!, ,//I~u__' 1 St, G 3 ') L H V'!,r713 r ~ /' / ( ';')'J'.J/'.. f,. , -" - u."I Z",t " , 'ilR 2 I t/O&:2 0/ fi.O. "dTZ. L/~:7aj! A,y~ ..-0-h.--Q: (f I i'?/_ 'p) =-rY;l3g I , . , , . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS (,,f'u Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber UnImproved Impro.....d Impro"'emenh e. of E. (Bulldln';l) VALUE 7/2 .,/,p .? () 0 .!:: "'9 .~a '7 "'{'" e;?s- r! /7='" 1f fJ, ,,,% ~ 1/f-7S- / flStJJ 1'<70 ~~~ -)/ Ig't~ / " <?' ~l{,,:-:'_) /v ~ ./ , :..) 7,' r;;',.;'."' :5;,., " 7/L/() /99,'.1 --:; . =3 ~ " /1.. d ~ /8'/::: ,,- / '3 I'd 0 3/s.:<..s- LOT BLK. H_...._... ----.-- i SEC. TWN, RSE. {2rjIJ:-'TQ&.~,:(j~ \ ~'--'" \ -- - - ,- ... .1..1 __, f.2c't.!5. That r>ortion of Section 10, TOM1Shir> 21 North, Range? Hest l,I.N., described as follows: lJeginnine at an iron "i,)" on tho "'esterly Ene of County )load, sHid r>oint bemne N l00 ::<:ast ,~02 feet "lOre or less, fron tho intersection of the "esterly line of said County Roatj and thp south line of s,qid Section 10; elence P'?st 789 feet, ."ore or lpss, to pn iron "ir>e on the east hanJ: of an unnai1leCt cree!>:; thence continl1.ine Trest 67 feet, :"ore or less, to the center of sain creek: thence north 50 pest along th'l center line of said creek, 91 feet; th'mce north 390 '"est alonz; sa;,d center line 233 feet, nore 0', less, to the north line of the south 1//, of the soutl'Nest 1/4 of said section lCl, thence east alonz; said line 1089 feet more or less, to the Hesterly line of said County ROl'l.d; thence south 160 weat along said '"esterly line 285 feet, nore or less, to the "oint of beginning. ~-~- . ------. ---~- =.. -_e=-,_