HomeMy WebLinkAbout221084300050 ... ..., Fll. No. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~ SALE PRICE ,d, Seh. 1 Port PUD fPO '--_J (J, 'RS?.,,!:,N! '7 - I .fD'lIJ2 6/73 :>80:>13 ":d",mrrl H. Nolrlan at ll",{ (r I() U 1 5!~ ~ 3 :; L If 1_7 . - ' . ....1 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES I \ VALUA,TIONS (, ,J{J TImber Unimproved Imp,oved TOTAL Oyst., nmbl' Unlmproncl Impro....d Irnprovemlntl B. of E. (lulldlnVi) VALUE Z8 4,9~ 11J.'gs- 5.< / tJ90 // i/S 74- $..FS j <70 L{()>r '~A <9.: -.... .::l50a 7':;$'5' // e;F~ ." ( 't!tfd 7(; ?~) /i/-/ 'Ie 7' . , I 7';;;;., ) ,'Iv; _ /,_3;;)( 'I 171 /.,20.1 () 1/'1, - 1,;2,-;- :O/^~' '.,' "'l._ , ....- ~::; 3 [::. 1",- '1.R~- ,;</</'1S - 3~ '10 ('. S~;'/~ LOT BlK, I SEC. TWN, RGE. r;t;l' { ()~H-3()~~ "a 4.1., ' 2 Tract 5 of f+ Govt. ~~t ,I.. - . ~ . . - . .' . . . + . - - ~ - . . . - , "..",,- / West ?5fj' 01 thg S 824' of the follO',d.n<7 ~ trAct of lano in Govt. Lot ~, Sec. n7 deficribcd ftS follOl,rs: Beeinninc: at thn .:. COrr1er on tho S Ij.nc of sRid Sec. 8; thence run Earth [190 5fP ~OBt e.lon~ till} South line or RA.ir1 Section n, a rlistanea or 5~7. 77 reet; elCnCG l'~ort'h 00 ~C' 15" 'G.:; a. clistance of 111..4. 7'- :~eet, '-lore or 11~:;;e, to the Southerly ~)Ollnclfu""J line of the un1:'ecor<1~cl !lIat of ~ran~anita Tracts, pccordin~ to th(~ survey 2Il(~ ~lHt lI:i'EtIDftl1ffiIDi therpof; thr::ncc rollrn;rin~ illone; th~ Southerly 1)ounrl8..~' line of sa ill unrccorderl :!lHt in 3. Eort'h1.resterly cH.rection to p..n int-ersecti.on rrith the ~.:rest bOttt'l_dnry line o:r G::l.ic1 Govt. Lot fL: thence SOlltll nonG'311" 2st, alon~ snirl l~est hounc:.rry- line of sai.cl Govt. Lot ':., a [~5_3tancC' of 7156.?9 f~et, "'ore or lASS, to tho ~o::i.nt of he[3inn5.n:3', conte.inin: ?O.3~ acres, 'lor~ 01: loess. nescrib8Q tract: 1\,',1"'1. 21 Nortl"', R2Tlge .~ 2 ~!est ~!.~,I. particularly n_ --:. -----._--- . "-i