HomeMy WebLinkAbout221083300000 VA' File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO C;? ~Sim ~on Log, Co,' ~-' ~'-'-'t) eo 'l.) ?o?I.??a1 S. FOREST !fl21.V 'Jl.CW Sf ,,~ ;'~ r-' ~ DISTRICTS 75" :'~P~I~;L~~ H f--I=- -----1-- f---- ----- -----1- ------- - SALE PRICE NUMBER OF ACRES --~-~------------------------------------------------~-~--------------~---~---~---~~---- 9U., Tlmb., Unimproved lmprond Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE Veer Oystl, Timber Unimproved Imp'oved TOTAL OYlte, 5":;/' S-/, cJO / - i:J6 3+-:,"},:'. ~ J!/.S'l) I~ ~ #~ ''1:~ 1.3- 14 7~f-~~;V 84.33 ~/!jtJ 7& _ 77 7$ ;/j 4// 54 i2 3;/ C\) :1-//, ff t ~ Ij /.. s;'"t; . 6~~ I f:t< I-Z 4/. 50 7i..:=.,-c.J LOT SEC, BLK. TWN, VALUATIONS )//J .,L'~' J /// U ,ii~~ :).'10 .$ t, ,QJ /{,,5: /,.7rJS" .E'~tJ . ,;j{!9'o ~'7 po' jL/.5;'O eY4'('S'- 5l9A Jo3J'1::> /{"/5 I r;(::;- .;2.( C, a PI .;( to ~~//:;- (~;!IL!CJ~liQl~L ., .,A.dE _ ,~,,,,,,._,,.,,.,,f,, .- RGE." . FO,RES'l' ///0 ;;5"50 9j'~ ~'7o S61!J /5//0 ~ ~~.'3rJ - -- )o~ /6. IS /,/S-.5- .;;.r (. <5 c? ;:,; Ljt- ~"'/'_-:J I I I I I I I I I e - .. ~"" NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS J /..39 Timb., I Unlmp,ovld Imp,ov.d TOTAL Oyst.,. Ti~b., Unimproyl<! Imp't1.....d Impro'..mlnn B. of E. - (BuildlnQl) VALUE go ;,;;:;~ ~ORES'I 'I1.sO ~ / ,!;"CJ .;< ;( 2' !)' - - p/' -. ~ c~:-( 0{ ...:, 11 }I { .' 4/ ,,',c) , --:'J/ /) ~..; 10 .,j'" U .yIID ../ 110 \(~ <1150 '-II so '/3(.0 '1.3(,,0 /1/ ".l:<.j LIt ,5.-1 lI' i-/ .~ ~. Lit/DO , I " ..:::. : .-)/ ./ "'') --- "-I'" J, - - -- ---- ---- I ---. ----- -- - I. -- _. , .---.- 1-----1-. ---- - ---- , . - I I . V.., Fll. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh, Po,t PUO'FPD[ I I /113530 ---- 59 1/7Nf"J" Pope & Talbot 1 .....5.! G , 'i ..J. ~ FF ?'/.." J?,)O. - - - - - - - - . ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -~---~~~-~~-~~~=~~-~=~~_:~~~-~~---~~-:~~~~~~:-~~---~-~~~~~.~-~~~:-::~::~---- NUMBER OF ACRES V AlUA TlONS YI., Oystlr Tlmbl' I Unlmpf'Ov.d Imp,ov.d TOTAL Oystl' Tlmbl' I Unlmp,oved Ilmprovld Improvementl B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 11m ---5.S ,2 Q;) ...l.2'...5il , ,LoUd] ~:) ~ ,------:, I , I LOT BlK. , SEe, TWN. RGE. f'j ( I I ll'll'- I . I " .' , ,.. ill ~, .,bJ_ .[, L, .~j .. . A tract of land in Govt Lot 6, Sec. 8-21-2 WWM, particularly desc. as follows: / Begn. at a point on tbe W line of said Govt Lot 6, said point being N 0010'36" E 1,083.32' from the corner to Sections 7,,8~ 17 & 18 said Twp. and Rge. j thence N 60024'52" E 1,543.97' more or less, to an inter- section with the E line of said Govt Lot 6, said intersection being N 0015'01" E 1,857.01' from the SE corner of said Govt Lot 6; thence N 0015'01" E, along the E line of said Govt Lot 6, 353' moee or less, to the NE corner thereof; thence SWly along the Nly line of said Govt Lot 6, to the NI.'l corner thereofj thn S 0010'36" W, along the W line of said Govt Lot 6 362.61', more or less to the point of beginning. ~ A':'_,: ~~~'. 7 You Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 75""' SALE PRICEl Rd. Sch. Port ~I; - - <;2 Alva R. Bennett 1 Is), G .k. SFP ... /; '1 mf, [~~d.J -"- Glc.p !J0>7,/q<7/. ~' m. d? 01'''7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - l- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____~~~-----------------------~---------------~----~---_~~_~___~_______:~~~____~2~~_:~____ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyltl, Timber Unimproved Improv.d TOTAL 0,51., Tlmbl' Unlmp,oved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE S' l- J 7 ).,;- 3. /} ..7 ( I ~ 100 ,...., 5% / .~ 197~ ~ '7 -'I:; ::?"?....,t'. I',/r /~?,) r:"J ~.. ,-..,.,.. ....- /,'{:J 'j /2 f,,:; 17tJ: 1m :Zoo / / J '75> 9# /osc; lC:pdO J i ",.e:-o IAIV! :J?3CJ 10, :mo I,;J,Cf$~ 1../ ..;:; ~~ SJ/ /1) 1/.::1"7<:> /t:,/hO lit ,;z5:~ /;r.. ~ .3~;l5 - '15"0 :$//!?5 3;J.f;!5 iq 9'.;20 9g ~/Jl15" , 1/J 1,-; la~ I ,p~o /J17tJ ,,~.5t:J 61~.fO '7~ 'j";~a /:f9r 63>7.$'0 6'7CJ~ ~ %/';:J9 :3; ;;. <} fP i?Sd' 7"~~ ""~ ~--- 1"".........7-"> 7{/. , 1% /s-t$b /$G;p It ~~ 7?> /S':"--".. / ..:,..- 2;~_~'-~) 1h' :--:.1 31.,';',? d(~ ;1:.(, ;<\;~; /,:"" 0 -' ----- " , ' ,. LOT. BLK. rTT rr I r 'i'T"(-'1f1 SEC. TWN. ROE. ~,-)... -;y.-i..___~.. , ' ; I, , . I " I , " :"~-., , '~ . ,.' (;I-" ....:.;; . . .,,;"',';.;" ' ,-. . - 7'7' -'-" /~;;2159o ~-;" ~4.J _ _~77 ~ - 217 -2b1 J~ ., 'J / " , 'cC'L.Ld} t~ ~><-'1 .::?;2 '/ c<'::O-u ~ / J -7/'8i"/ /~yrS/'cYe ... ... k sf .;de/