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T.., File No. NAME of OWNER 75 Simpson iIlimber Co. flliJlf'ff3c" Current Use T..'! 0,..., . TImber 75"' 7G :zg 11 ,; 0.1, {:i ~u.w I, '{:5 73 , LOT ILK. SEe, TWN, RGE. ~,~ 21 2 ,.. NUMBER OF ACRES Unimprond Improved I ;J(): P ~1I,cP,tiJ 12,97 //"7. 97 TOTAL I I I il- ,,(,' ,,1..{7 C('1 ::'_:1 .... "1'/,00 ('OJ?) ,', , 'I j. '} '/ 'i797 DISTRICTS 9~ Rd. 5ch. I 'ort PUD fPD_1- I 1 54 G 3 5 L H CONTRACT TO Oyster /:i ..,.' ';-n~~ Jc, ( {I, /(, TImber 1/.1 ~ :' VALUATIONS Unlmproyed Imprond /4f+(,tW :gg4/o Impro....m.nts ,lulldlnQI) I' :fr - . ic.2 " I ~ ~. ".. , , SALE PRICE . 9JJ> s"" D. of E. VALUe ,- 11::0 I /9::)' { 3Yr,,9'?{J :i~1 I !i'7 , J L(.- .;.. () . ~~ /-,';;. , '-' ,- , , . :- ( Ic7::c.", /.~.J, '/ 11"9'1<(/,, (t:Jo;"c> /5'",'., /:15.:1 'c", 13?f:::- /or>o 0 15'::.--.'\-:\ 17 J! ,~.(, c:- ) - I'd'! -6'b-Orx--~ ~ (J., _, ,v__ll~ Tract 1 of S~l ";:URRENT USE ~OPEN SPACE , _AGRICULTURe I ._ ,t-i. r I II"l 7,'.. A;; tjat ~~rtopm pf SW{ lying E of County Road except part platted. " .' .</ . .