HomeMy WebLinkAbout221041200100 Vur - File No -"1------' --- '52 ,_.. J. H. Hill et ux jQ'(/) QLll. ____, .:I5... .3Q2816 1'!1 0"" ~76 311106 77 "';!. 'f3'1f 1jf.#L2lLL_ I 8'; .!L'iZ.:t3 5 .~ C, W r NAME of OWNER . NUMBER OF ACRES v... I 0",., 7b '7(p f? ~~',., ,,,,,,",.d . 78 n 11mb.r Unimproved Improved u LOT aLK. SEe. TWH. RGE. .2 5/2.. 5'" , .::.- CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 75 Rd. $ell. I P';Irt PUD I fPD I_I 1 54 Jack D. De.!!D.Y... " " G 3 5 & VALUATIONS TOTAL Timb.r Unlmprond Impro....d Zoo I ~ ~ J IO\lf,T?i2401/IllVJl ~?-C!.;9 ~". II!.. _. .. 1..__~,,; ""- ~~._.l_~.>. L' Russell W. Den LV~ .,,,1 S CJ?JD 'Ln.Ve. <i , iJAoL....L C:" 1"h .,/2. ,(;.n",,;,,:) f/ d Oyder ,~/~ ~, !.J... 70',9 C) 74',':),' I .1..:,.... ,.; L H !..:'\ ,.. Impro....m.nfl (BuildinQI) SALE PRICE -'E4.0109 -ng86~ #-8'"-307 iii' h Ulb b,4'P B. 01 E. VALue ? <'10 7500 -~ ',-,... .-.CO; / P.9 </.s- ",?,-",,"= ..~-^ All that ptn of the ~ of the wt of NW NE 4-2l-2W.W.M.. lying illy of the Sly r/w line of Benson Lake County Road, Ex:CEPTING therefrom the S 700' thereof. ~. . Vu, File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7S- Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD ::-Fr 1 5lL G l. S- L ~IA. SALE PRICE! <;? \~;::~~~} lb. ------ ---- ------ , --~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------~-~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oylbr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildings) B.of E. VALUE s-yV 5-1 .5:;- tt/ 7....' 11 ;[, 2 If 0.;;.1' 19.&'1' /"1 &, /I J9.61- /cJ,/..L/ I/H 380 ,;R6 ;REFOIlES'l ,~/ ,/ "'r'W OA OA /'1 '" , 'l ~I /0 % .;10 Yo /...~< 3/0 ;;:0 I/o /.:5'5 3/0 ). " /---:- LOT BLK. f "'Z.-- 7..- I 0 </'- I 2.:. Ou J 0-() / SEC. TWN. ROE. I , I I I , , I I I , I 1 .- ;.~ . . '- " ..''''''';. ill'" .. , - .- , .- b~___ -~ .~ " Ex. Tr. 2 Yeer File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7.:....- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE' - I" [2fli~ 1 -51L G...i...r L_I~ ___ SF:t #"/0/ d'1 <;2 1~4< 1'7;; ~o11?Jl& J. H. Hill et UX _ RCW M.3S 11./ , ----I-- - 1------- -- -I-- -1--- -.,.... -f-- --- ----4IIt--------- -------------~-------------------~----------------- .---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 5.S;). Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlnus) VALUE 5"'?-,V .JL/.7,,1--- :7..L/. 7 ~ Yo /0 $3 ,) t/ 7fI ;J'-f,7J1 /:20 /;20 5' /90 /90 h /:Jlo /7'0 ?cJO f?7o ,J)? .., -'? " . /Lkj -1 ~::r7 j /:5 i.? So 900 , ~.)~. ~' ,) ,-, / i"eJO ~r ':? ntF ' -/ -"'/7~ . ".;!;J" '0 <~(') -:/..20 ,fJ'o """'e-',{ ,..p, ""-1---, r ~) ;0 .-::'3.7/ ,,(v 7 ,7. << <1;,- .'<50 .i;-O -;J~ cJ ;"'.)0 Ihl 23 '7p ,Co7 :? 'f <I f:; /50 .5-0 71'0 'l,fo It-;< /L;O ~C70 bb 7?o /3,?0 I.{,~ .93/ll' I--J'<../?Y' /..)CJ 400 552J 1M ;C/o 500 tb 9'0 t,h ~ % /?~ '7,;? (J <1/0 . 61 ~ "7';;0 -7;:! C) {.Cj ,;H7 tf :;).3, 7 t' LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. .21 "*'-' i I. .... --~ * Ex. Tr. 1 &. 3 ,j s-: I 7 J TI J "'; I I -- -- _._.:.=c__ - ----- -~ ---- ~ . - -,-- "C~~_ - .-,- NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS ;-. _' Ol, Year Oyder Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster limber Unimproved I Improved Ilrnpt'ovemenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - ;/CJ ~d ,;U? .,,2:J.::JR I~ 'bZ /37"0 /sL/o 1:J. . fQ' 4' / .c-'" '7PD 1/9s ,j 1~ .::!tJ.'/9 ~tJ.t/1 iff ,;23,::> :'507'::> 3.iJ""<J 7<1 I /0 It ~ &/M 6/5ZJ 7.5 CLASS. FOREST 0.0 99 ,;)tJ.UC} '7'75+- 7'1.5 "'"" ~.~ , - - . LOT BLX. ,.-- . SEC. TWN. RGE. ern , I TTT1IlJ - ., ABse ed as !r~acts .\ - '- Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - '12 1ho9'S' w. c. Meding 1 -5L.- -2 3- S" .JL I..tt: - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - ---- :~--~---~-------------------~7------------7-------7--------------!---~---------~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year OYlter Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved ImprovemenJ.a B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE 0- .-/ /' 7~ /,71 /0 /~ ... ./ 0 :::1 :l.. 7..3 - LOT BLK. .0 : ; ,: ! : ; i : CD I SEC. TWN. ROE. , --------------- ... 2 Tr..1 -~~ EA L.in...' <> ..Il... .' --~ r- . , E 77 ft. along said average high water; 411 E 119.01 ft, along said average high water; E 103.99 ft along said average high water; 12' E 144.18 ft. to IP of this description. Tr. 2 Commence at ; cor. between Secs. 4-21-2 & 33-22-2, run Thn along twp line between said Secs. bear N. 890 54' )0" E. 652.27' to I.P. of this descrip. Thn N. 890 54' 30" E. 438.86' to Sly R/w line of Mason Lake Loop Rd; Thn S 630 56' W. 161.91' to a curve concave to the N. and tangent to said bearing; Thn along the arc of said curve having radius of 932.08' a distance of 302.58'; Thn N. 00 20' W. 158.07' to I.P. of this descrip. Contain .94 acres, mil Tr. 1 Commencing at t corner between Secs. 4, twp 21, range 2, and Sec 33-22-2 property located on Mason Lake, Mason County, and running Thn N 89 deg. 28' W along E & W line between said Secs. 243.07 ft. to IP of this description; Thn continue N 89 deg. 24' W 312.23 ft. to average high water of Mason Lake; Thn N 66 Thn N 56 Thn N 69 Thn S 81 deg. deg. deg. deg. .~.- .~<., It .94 " " File No. 140937 143704 * Tr. 1 Tr. 2 w. C. !',ading 1.79 Acres Unimproved "