HomeMy WebLinkAbout221041200060 V.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ~ DISTRICTS S'.~ SALE PRICE - Rd'IS"'I'~PUD I FPD ~ 74 J. H. Hill et we 1 54 G 3 5 L H I '771 37/0;).D --- " %;c/,pF<lyr ('6>t4-0!..fj~~..daR "'".... 1('#3500_ lOk" J,V-7(A.S a. '!Ii.hl 1L./f5V .. " " 't' '(/ r- v . , . v... 1 0,,,., NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst... TImb.r Unimproved Improved Improv.m.nh 8. of E. 18ulldlnQII VALUE 13 46 ,110 /(") //...-s /c:1C -7/f /ootf(, 0<'36 .;:).;s.() 7C ..; tJ(,~ j ::;,.~' ^ ( . 7., .. ~'1 n _ 11 .//~If. .?7 .~7 <010 ,,(1/(' " :-.;-: .5.'-, 3-\' <~; :,- .. .- -~ _._- - LOT ILK. ~,. 6~!1'~'-'- (%1l~IQ) SEC. TWN. RGE. .~L_ ." . / :2...~ f ...A. Tract 6 ofNW .NE 21 2 '* I . -':-' ;.,.~,I) , ,.' ',- Commencing at the t corner common to section 4, Twp. 21, R. 2 and section 33, Twp. 22, R. 2; thence S 170', more or Isss, to the Sly R/W line of Mason Lake Loop County Road, as same existed on July 7, 1958; thence S, along the W line of NW NE, 200'; thence E 273'; thence N, parallel with the W line, 95', more or less, to the Sly R/W line of the Benson Lake County Road, (as shown on plans dated July 1957 on file in the office of the Engineer for 14ason County); thence NWly and Wly, along the Sly R/W l~es of said Benson Lake County Road and said Mason Lake Loop County Road to I.P. EXl!:EPl' THEE 173' Commencing at the 1/4 corner common to Sec 4 TWP 2i R 2 and Sec 33 TWP 22 R 2; th S 170 ft, more or less, to the Sly right-of way I ine of the Mason Lk Loop Co Rd, as existed on July 7, 1958, and the POS of the tract of iand hereby described; th Ely along sd Sly right-of way line, 80 ft; th S, paral iel with the W I ine of sd NWI/4 of the NEI/4, 200 ft; th W 80 ft, more or iess, to the W I ine of sd WI/2 of the NWI/4 of the NEI/4;th N along sd W line 200 ft, more or less to the POS. Except the E 20' .' -~----- - - ---- ~~ c---. ) ..-' .