HomeMy WebLinkAbout220297500040 V.:--File No. '--I'.~-----;;'--;--- NAME of OWNER - I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1..3 0 SALE PRICE _~; IVNr.l',.; ,J) /2$/g~ 0/'/8',0 ,ZJ/I/) Rd, $,fI. I pt;lrt PUD I fPD I I 277476 / et ux -I #34689 3/73 277~.J. Harry Goldie et ux Donald H. Knudsen 3 09 S 31 4 L Hi ~77~34~~ Robe t A. & Sharon L. ~~:--L #52531 'Ij'M ,1-1tG..?'55 ~ /I /Ik.~.w/ ~ ~,' "," ~ -'" L= 4- die . ~~~~T ,~ vn::;-I 1"'" r7 . -, d...<<>~~~ ..'2.!iQ.. :J75~i</ ,L 'e',; fl. !/Jf"~J "H ./ " " hb,L ffl141 'j U.6J..3.85.:562_LWDJ .Dnnald E. ,,; n. .S. .$32500 WOP 1ifl.~93.i.o'7J);""".J1~.i:..J/t'eO?,1I1Al/k.l O.IJ q /1<7d"l JL 13t/1 S .31.4 /.. II '" - - . . NUMBER OF ACRES ..'''.........,......,.....~.. .' 1"".1 ,', VALUATIONS ...... Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster limber Unimproved Improved Improvements (Buildin9s1 t:>..f 0 B. of E. VALUE ./ ."'l. no djJo ;:;;'t./tI-o It) ItJ if!32./t) /1';,0 :;;!.t/-W) IcJ /tJ J.L",;;l./O 111---. 2, tit/- .1J. iL j.'N. it_ 8 C b.de> .z.t/-t/- ~. Lf'f 1--' - -- --- ........----~--- ---- 1--. ------~_.+ \ i - LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE.. ,-:-... . ..P., ..~~~P!~S~\iE . ---.--.''15/507j'Xll2 ~!l.-._".~__ . '. '0" ;.,... "=1'.'-~"""f'-""'''''-:?-<'~-:,,=".~.-+t~ ' ."--'"';"""~>;~""""'!""'-""~',-"... -"'-:~:;:~~';~;:'i,.,_,.; AI I that ptn of Govt Lt 6, Section 20, and the NW NE 29-20-2W.W.M., daf: Commencing at a point on the Section I ine between sd Section 20 aric! 29 S 890 28' 42" E 730' from the quarter corner common to sd Section 20 & 29' th S 000 47' 47" E paral lei with the W I ine of sd Section 29, 390'; th S 890 28' 42" E paral lei wi+h the N line of sd Sec+lon 29, 271.94'; th N 000 51' 14" W 390'; th N 000 27' 30" W to the N I Y I I ne of sd Govt L t 6; th WI Y a I g sd N I Y I I ne of Govt Lt 6 tap which is N 000 24' 00" W of the POB; th S 000 24' 00" E 410' + - to POB. (See also Tract 2 of Govt Lt 6 of Section 20) Formerly known as Tract 6 NW NE in 29-20-2 and Tract 2 of Govt Lot 6 in 20-20-2 J f.". ~..'t -::-; ~.- &' ,;..;--,:.;~--- . ~'~f>' he....." ~ VeOf -I -~- r-~'--: #'}\ NAME of OW~R -) I ~,..;~. v/22/K(9 ,=SN_;I>P l.t'l'r,_ 2/73 277476 eT ux 3173 2?.1475 .~.' Harrv Goldie et ux Don Id H. Knudsen 3 )09 S ~77 329334 T\' . Rob rt A. & Sharo,r L. Sh ,pp Jf,~,3,'l~j53- ')H1.dd 1/-7JJ-t . X~K- "/' /'~ ~ , --Ii". - ~b"!J~OI 'Y .... 99S9S'N'1//.'17 '/5'7' ~ .)("'~/i7, rfo .. /, 1': iQ.. 57S5&.... ~~_t&2/."",."r>.<f /r '/sf. 2.8$565.... CWD) .Do.nal.d-E N . I n c _JPL .3y3LQZl-n n.c ,/I.' D/l C'. -1L / ~n1 S .3 1/ J.. f.i CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. $ell. I P'Jrt PUD fPO I /5$ I SALE PRICE 1I.:>46tJY 3 4 L H r-- #52531 4~~ ~mb6 WOP =7<1S3/ WLJ '.- ""-"'" .". ~ .r<-:~ NUMBER OF ACRES '-' ...."'_....'<. ,.,. _. ..,_...".~. --..... _4~'_' .._._'?", ",.",.~_..~_ ... - - ----- ---->'--.;. I I -.. -",.. ........ VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impro....m.nts (BlIildinQI) B. of e. VALUE 11 JR ?j Jt. '6S (...-.... '2 0-(' &; c u )'r' '-) r(-.r") ~ -' , liJ7CJ It /100 </3~tJO <j 3;;, IJCJ cA- - 7//70 /10 //",(J 'I3~tJa 1,.31 /,2S' 2.5't- COI,\EIt.)' / 0....1' /,31 I,,:<.s-.:; 2,--6 ;;;',5b ,;(Sf.., r> I. \ \ T ,1 T' (- -; -, -- l.V -,t 0 - ,! C ~ ::.. L ()"l ~ ,I' ,let ( <f ;;>.'l .,Cl -0-- - ---- ----- _2 ., .~on~,,"{(: .-...-- i L . . I 1 . , . I I J . - LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. _..-.......----- . ~~_r-'-_',,"", ,--,. _. .,"",,-' ~--:-'- -~'-"-" -"'~'."- "r. (Portion of Tract D of Survey Vol. I, pg 59, AF#287307) Al I that ptn of Govt Lt 6, Section 20, and the NW NE 29-20-2W.W.M., .daf: Commencing at a point on the Section 1 ine between sd Section 20 and 29, S 890 28' 42" E 730' from the quarter corner common to sd Section 20 & 29; th S 000 47' 47" E parallel with the W I ine of sd Section 29, 390'; th S 890 28' E paral lei with the N I ine of sd Section 29, 271.94'; th N 000 51' 14" W 390'; th N 000 27' 30" W to the Nly I ine of sd Govt Lt 6; th Wly alg sd Nly I ine of Govt Lt 6 tap which is N 000 24' 00" W of the POB; th S 000 24' 00" E 410' + - to POB. (See also Tract 6 of NW NE of Section 29) 42" .. ~ ~",.~.~~:~:~... - " ...-...::,;-:, . ,',,'"...;