HomeMy WebLinkAbout220294390000 '7 DISTRICTS / ::.-- C Rd. $ch. Port PUD FPD .1_1_ S;> 133281 larence A. Glassey et ux 'I ~ S 3-.li:..L 1_ ,I- it: I~ /'7.Y'I tl::...t. ypt.1 (I , Jlo d ^ ,l.- /1' . FI 'f- U>" <10 3"".7 12f7q 137!7b'l (/ u L'Jn~ ..911.. tJ.J2 Ll I,L" -:7- ~~ ~mOI 'V ?! ..L~ ~2....!LL.JL V..r Fila No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRiCe . -f----- f-- -- ----~~-------------------------------------~------------------------~- . .. ~ ' -_. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Yea, Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Orlt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ / 3/ ,.;(.3/ /0 ..:2 &'0 oZ fa S-:; ~,.:J ! ';<.31 L/-o oZ %cJ 830 , 153 .t.j() .;tJ6 3;;;0 .3~~ .2...3-/ ;2.,3/ 7"0 iJo -520 1.4-1 0:(.3/ ':<.81 ",/c /010 //21J . 15? ~,.'1/ -2AJ/ -52J /O'Rc:7 //30 I~... ';;.,4/ a,d] / t}l) /,;J7{} /5.;1:9' 10/ .:<. .3 I .;(.3/ :)0 .;(1'/0 .;{1'1 (J t,g 5'0 ~ofo ~'1c 16 S'~ 3~5"5 3/0'::; . U. :-::- /:'0 :38..2- C/I 3JU'?:P I::> ~/n !dJ ~IJ If ~.;;- 9~ , 1/p .t7f ,tJ'1 ~% + /~<t7> ~- /,(1)0 1-14 If;?, ,v :J.,()0l ~CJO " 7fp ,:;lOO duO LOT BLK. I '2I"'1IO~4f'-:?fqlaaOOI .tji SEC. TWN. RGE. , .k .. ~ :""~ "'~ ......... .. . .. U'.. - -" r- , ~_ ~..P (Tr. B of SP # 679) Comm. a+ +he NW corner of ~W'SE, 29-20-2; thenceS, along +he W I ine of said sub., 30'; thence E, paral lei with the N I ine of said sub., 15' to the pob; thence con- tinue E paral lei with and 30' S of +he N I ine of said sub., to a pt. 200' W of the NWly r/w I ine of Lynch Co. Rd.; thence SWly, parallel with and 200' from said r/w line, 400'; thence W paral lei with the N i ine of said sub to a pt. 15' from the W I ine of said SW SE; thence N 00047'47" to the pob. _.~ _ 0_ _r_._._ _, ~_~~'_-------.-.,....~___~_~ ..6i .L4>-__y.:n~ ~ * Ex. Pt. Platted0rcadia Beach) Trs: I 1 I I I I I I I I I . .. .. . -. 1 I .. * NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TIONS Yur Oyster Timber I 'Unimproved I Improved TOTAL 1 I Oyster TImber Unimproved Impro....d Improvements B. of E. (BlIildingl) VALUE 7? bifp. r.1L ~(?u El M, /,n /, n ?SSo gSO Cj/ c- <' lk~7J /, 71 J. 7'/ Es-t'o g S"tJ 0 RJ.. 7 Itf'pc)Q 11/;'6 Ic2 (;;2.0 $;L If/? /0_5' (M .; I.. .L; I f. 0 (,5 E.2.. -~- 1..------... J [) 50i1 r"l ",;;)0<: .33 ?Ob &1_ --.-- f---. /.79 /.7'1 loS'tJo 3,5'700 7' 9 '/Clo , _. 1... .. - ---- .--- -- . ... I - f---.-. --_.- ..-- ---- ----- --.--- -. 1._- -- --- ---.- .-. .. -- ~-~-- ---~--- ----- ----- -- - --- . .==l - -. ---- ---- -. j -'--- - -~--- .. r--. -~--- , . . I ! , 'c,.',