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Y.., FileNo. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS IS;; SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD .~ - - 11)2 C. R. Miller l 3Q2 s -3 ..lh. .1 s p~ 0":-1 /6"cJ Is-y ~ . '- '~) 1l,..+4 '>.d ,,"VA) - gf L ~ .>2.... ....i .1... L JL --- [hL 12/?y,,(S- Pr_ ) 8. fI J}J 11 'e/' 3<>73 (7 ., - - - - :tic 70;;''''h:t:. 1%( .38d.591 L/ Vrl/ ., }j;fp ~ -'" ~ Ie '7s-'{)O WoP .! - f-- - - - I- - - ---:- - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - - - - - f-- - " - - - - - ----e--- ". '. __.____________.~-------,----------- __ ______ _ _ _____ ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __'::~_.::. ':""4.~ ." _ __ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyswr Unimproved - Improvementa B.ofE. Timber Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved (BuildIngs) VALUE 52 .2~ d.? ? lj 4-00 .5.30 .7:~ C:<fJ 5 ::< 17 /00 ~4/J &,L.o r; ~rO 0"'" 2tJ.oo / "7/0, /00 ?) .5, rJ 0 ,;25,00 /00 /'10 ~/' ~ [).()() . -5-.00 .2S:C;O /.50 /9',:;> Y/r? /050 ~I .4?tr?J ~~ :< s: (nJ ISo /10 7~ .s- //Ob- hi/. ..;;.t!J.&O 4/.5'0 ~t/50 15'0 /70 ~/ - IrKf5 U. ~" ICJO ,;:;JltJ 96D lEba 1-,': 9~ ~&O .;;( / d '1" t!) /J?6 (tJ 7IJ /~3/ 7.9~ I.:::J-:J _.:1.-< '" ., / ,/J,(J "Y.:z 90 bB'3~ /9/& 9.;v () " "1/ /f<3l S-;,G J4, /'1.-9-3 /-Pc::J -j/,;t~CJ /JS t!) ~- b3(;pCJ 7-2 t~65 3135 /JP&J ,~G'J..$CJ '13 ~6t9 373s- /~ S7~ 74/ ~ .% 7370 3b$b //~t!) 7t /() 5"3{) /tJs.3Q -,-.., 1;40';2./; 19.;1 0.5 '5/,:,230 / f LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 2:-3o.3.fJl).O . C._C"~ ,i, -' '. ~ _I, - :'-::''''--h -'~"-'_" .,; ....^.. ';?l'~~, ~,-'--'-'- r '* Ex. N. of R/W cf &4 / .'iJIj:]} 8-. . ooYl~ >,., ~-','.','. - ':' , ,". -~." I I I I I I I I I . NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALlJATIONS ,.:. (.~!O Year Oyst.r limb... I Unlmprov.d Improv.d TOTAL I I Oyster Timb,r Unlmpro,.d ImproVld Impro".rnutl 1.0' e. (BuildinQs) VALUE 1'1 5F:C1 //1 ? / d,tJ./. /t.S$ //201') H"~ r ~tJ/j.o5 91 1<-/3/ '/.;;{'-/ If,s, - ;? '1</70 31(P{)o &.'1070 g;.. .,,2'-Nlo '4;710 73/ ? Q '14 N,<ll 'f ~4 If,5f) ~~I..sL 3'" 3c>o /&09'50 f f-_. _. 1- -- -.-- -- - I -- ~- I--~...- - 1__- - '----' - .==1 - ----- --- -- ---- - --~- ------ ---- -..-- --- I ~+ -. . ----- --. ----- , L