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: Y,.r FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /,'e-; SALE PRICE Rd. S<h. ~!PUD FPD - 52 101603 Chas. w. Teagle et ux l .lQ2 s 1 J.. L SF ~+ !ia. 3t? 1!:;iJ3 ,.~' ~ / a. .:b // ,,;7, , 91 ..L 3n9 ,'7 "l .!:f- ..b. 1L &kr 1/3/!? g>() ~~ ,;< K/':~ '1;;;;;;;'J~ 7J '-1n. I/A ~ ~#7PL-I-OO ..r 'J/ ) CrY: C/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - r-- -- - - r-- - - - - I- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - --- I - - - - - '.- _ _ _ c e:.."'-------------------------- - - -----. - - -- --- - - -~-~- ,,~-~- ~~---- - ' .. ::,._.;l ., NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vur Ollt.r TImber Unlmprovld Improvld TOTAL Older Tlmblf UnImproved Improvlld Improvement. 8.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 52 2.00 8.00 10.00 20 340 470 810 .51L 1.50 8.00 9.50 10 "lIeO <;60 Q10 ~o . -f'. dO &'",:aO '7~O -'10 /.-$d.-{J df60 ,;2/;2 d .k <1.0'0 560 l1.S'o 40 IS~ /ttJoo ';)'5't.C'J IL2 .:1~ t/, ao 5:/~ '/.41 40 I~Vt:J /tleJi::J ;:(..l /0 ~ ~ 1: 5""0 I<'<'c? I,:JSZ:J ~(iV -'8. ,~~ -2,,~ S:I.~ /f"t,'1 30 /5'50 /~S-a ;;.f'3o .ki- .:J.h ~S~ ,3 PD ~, :?2.., 30 )~" CJ j.:;JS;-O ';;'~t) 1L ./3 1,/3 /.9R .3?:J.~ -~;! 34 ~3/tJ .:2 ,;nt,; ," 9.;<() 7L ./3 //3 /./3 _9// CJ .,&- ~ 340 .zz /3 /,/3 h,~? 3.;Uf ~4/) ~3 lIP ~-."". ,C; 9~tO .16. 34'a -T9- -8- 3fflo '?::3 340 ij'31o ~q()a ? tJ67!J E $1]1'0 - -- 310 14 , /. ~~ % ~/O ?6~o d!~' ,F/IOC> I . LOT BLK. ' 1, ' . ;,- I . "';.., ; --- ~1"1 - nown as Tr. 4 ';fd~vt't6t 1 ex Tr. 4 ,\' 1'--- '- Beg at NW corner of Govt Lot lj th S along W line of Govt Lot I to Nly R/W of Shelton Arcadia Co. Rdj th NEly alonf, Nly line of Co. Rd. to SWly corner of Lot 5, Block 12, Plat of Arcadia; th NEly along Wly line of said Plat to Nly line of Govt Lot lj th following along Nly line of Govt Lot I to NW corner of Govt Lot I to I.P. except following tract: Beg at SW corner of Lot 5, Block 12, Plat of Arcadiaj th N 240 E 380', more or less, along W boundary of Plat to NW corne" of Lot 4, Block 24; th S 34030' W 445', more or less, to the N boundary of Co. Rd. to the I.P. .~ ~j)-~'::''Ml'" *Ex. Trlct I-A,I-r3~~ Tax 639-I-I - <'_3'7 - 1-..) > ;{ . " . . ,J 1'_'(.-" . _:~, -, \ I I I I I I ! I ...... 'NUMBER OF ACRES -1. VALUATIONS . Y,ar Cystlf Timber I Unimpro."d Improv,d TOTAL Cystlt' limb" Unimproved Impr':)v.d Impro"lm'/Ih I. of e. tRllildinQs} 'iA\.\lE !:z. 13 ---- 3. II .J,Pf J$ (00 I!i"POlJ 53 '100 -~._- Zl. J '. ,. , 3006 --e- 3000 ./ Q _~;:~t8~)O 0,3100 J~ 3otJ() N ,1.3 .3 1/ ;.::i'-/- 351M Iggoo 53~.:)o N A:/ .1l/ I. ( ,?-'). gg5 G-- ~::l8gs' --.- --.-, ~- -----. 35100 liMo 53C?')n ~ -=l d <1-_ ;<dli~~ - -1.,/1,- -er- rl~~~ -=- - c.. -- -. -- S~ ____'-'f' Q. :-t ~ ~_.;;,.kU )() OJ.,:lJ I 1,_- - --- -- .==1 -- ----. ------ _. .. - - _._- -,---- ----- ._- ---- r- - --- --- n n , I .. I I I I I I I I I r.., I 0,..., . NUMBER OF ACRES LI VALUATIONS . Timblf Unlmprovld Improved TOTAt. Oystlf Timblr Unimproved Improved Improv,m'nh I. of E. (1uIldlnQI) V"lUE 1 "JiL J3 U_q /qR 3. :l t./ It, 1ft) -<9- ~ L J?/J I;z,; h. '" D ~k;2t!J -"I J1t1J(; /4/~(!) 175 ?,;.?.o - - ~~o -,/ /'3.:1/:/, '5'~ ;)1790 "" ~ '_,' :-7'. 11r, .. .2 ! ( ,) ~, c-/ --f) , " r I } -1-; I :so:< Dr E{ " C;' C).. "70.''; ....."),--" f"', .... 1) ~ ~-::--.. C~;.,- .. t I~ I";,J, .- / .-:Y. j I 7tJ/} 1L --G --G ./:/ . ., f::. ~,I ; -'.--= ' . , , ~'; I .::;' 31/ 'Cf, .;2'1 '0 ~ " - , 4!J J 3,,:;,';."',> ':;i , ,. / ,'/" ", YO (; , . I'j' , I"') :;; , ' ~,)4- 3S-/.?o / ,ffltJu <::''3 'Ii'}:) -J) J IJ! ./3 , 3./1 ~ ,~If P., J. L( ~O(JO 9 3600 ,