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- - Y..r FII, No. NAME of OWNE.R CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /~~ SALE PRice Rd. Sch. ~!~ FPD &~jI) dj;~.//~~ - ,5,,< /,'l /7 th ;;:; 30; 53- ..!L .t c-' M.... C.1f;:;1J'f (Ah;'~' fil} 0* 1>1 dol ..I, 9( 1 dffJ. .:5...3.. .!:L -L JL J.lL :d,.!).;,) , L (i -I... ,1CI'-_ ,L'), _ . J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. f-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -1- - ---1--- ---1----1 e---=- .. .... ~. .-- ; .-,--. -"1J . -- . -,q-==~ ',-=.",..",..=- -.... '...- - ..... - ...-.- -~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y,ar Ollt'r Tlmblr UnlmJ;rovld Imprond TOTAL Oystlf 11mb" Unimproved Improvld Improvemenh B. of E. (Bulldln(ls) VALUE 5</ 7,3(" 7,3{, 70 70 ;;/<' ~O (~/3D ;:,0 40 .ff,f .f;J-;}5- 5,' ;;5 /' ,- t/6 .....-l) ---::;:; - ~ ;2, 'h '2. 9 S / ,;;2D ;;zo ;).5;)~ ./ JD ,;{ . :T !J 10 k 'J-,j So fA /0 ilk. J IL::' /z:;"" ~ 30 So 1'L 1<91 '; 60 hO 7(" L-( '. ~/ II~O ,,!;;--u 00 00 [</ Co ~ Co "0 c:,o -- , LOT BLK. - , , ~'RTo"l':~ SEC. TWN. RGE. -". '.JI ",", , . . .. -.<'" . -- , '. .. . ~. ..,"^-. .~~ ~ . .~- .--- * Ex. 639A - 639Q'-:' Z Year FII, No. NAME of OWNER <;2 l3Bl71 Alice Stotsbery ".---e-------- NUMBER OF ACRES Year Cyst,r Tlmblf UnlmproVld Improvod TOTAL :;-, :1- i' 39vV oS.:? .:</.9i"g In ;21591 I,?~ ~O.7og 2 [), 7t 6''< ,;L~,';o t ;:)0.';"'1 ,,},tJ,jij d,tJo!! /9,13f 19. Ug , nnf / 7 If g ,~ 17./"t 'B /7,/%g --'3 I~.</gs /t#r/n ,n II;, of i ItP.O P? ~ IY.fif._ IS 7Sg .J;'l/ /5.tYf,-'!I 15.0S-? ,o/-l/,j.JS'X It/.JS:J 1"1/- 1'J-,3':lg I~,j:;-g 5f T '7''!.M' ~1.3>~ SEC. TWN. ROE. - 20 2 'l1ax 6'39 * CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD -3-.3Q9. ~ ~-4....L.... ----f-- - ------ --f-- ----- > VALUATIONS UnlmprovlC! Improv,d Oystlf Timber b,rV >Loo 390 ..3,{,0 3s-0 .37"0 33CJ =<,fo ~("O :<</'O :?3o ;}';;lo ..;L I? rJ /'/0 /"}/O '70 . .' Improvemenu (Bulldlngl) I I , ! '"T..,.---.-,TT!-;-, L..:..~___..-.-~~ ..,:-- SALE PRICE! It: 5'00, 00 .- B. of E. VALUE ,3(. d ;B SO .3 40 330 ,;) K () :J.(PO .;;< ~ 0 ,;?30 ,-,2';<0 .;? 00 /.f'o I?--o '70 --.0 App 11399 That portion of an Oy tract in front of part of see 28-20-2 ';:. j,:. Bgn at pt on the govt ml from which the me to sect 28&29-20-2 W.M. bears S 400 W 2.94 chs & r.ng thn S 500 E 3.00 chs thn N 490 30' E 47.00 chs thn N 230 E 21.00 chs thn N 460 58' W 15.24 thn W 5.15 chs to the thn along the govt ml thn S 700 E 8.31 chs thn S 510 E 5.14 chs thn S 210 W 12.65 chs thn S 30. 15' W 10.70 chs thn S 730 W 7.10 chs thn S 440 30' W 22.00 chs thn S 5lo 45' W 9.90 chs thn S 400 W 5.06 chs to the pt of bgn & containing an area of 29.403 acres mil Ex 639 A to P .", , chs me to S 190 section 21 & 28 E 3.62 chs Ex. . '..........,...,<0 ." ,r, ;:; ';', cV /7 1 , T, k; ;f m 639~,~,~~~.:-Pj" ,&, -;lr.i~ "....' ' ~ ~ /~J 71.0.;: ~2t.) -- -.. ~t0 ~/Z. ,J L') If " 1.1' i n~~ -ee/ .~ c' ivft--,~ ~i04., I ' .L ~'-//<--,---t~ .r0L /{j 4 > . / --" . L? / / ~(;jl ) ~~~'" ~ 7/~ ) 0A7/~:/ "~-~~i2- J /